King Lion Revenge Hyena For Destroying Lioness, Epic Battle of Big Cat vs Hyenas | Lion vs Wild Dogs

King Lion Revenge Hyena For Destroying Lioness, Epic Battle of Big Cat vs Hyenas | Lion vs Wild Dogs
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King Lion Revenge Hyena For Destroying Lioness, Epic Battle of Big Cat vs Hyenas | Lion vs Wild Dogs
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  1. Completely different shots, from different times probably of different lions doing different things.. you sick at making videos, go pack to stacking shelves

  2. I am just stunned by how close the safari cars are with absolutely no protection , the guys on the safari would be excited and scared at the same time

  3. Good videos bit how about instead of the same music that is played with all these videos you give us the natural sound of what's going on. Just a thought

  4. This video is a bunch unrelated clips spliced together. The "action" has no relation to the title. And the fake documentary music is super annoying. Complete waste of time.

  5. These tourist should be arrested
    Sick people watch a lion mother protecting her cab with a bench of wild dogs and they criminals tourist are filming

  6. I just cracks me up how 20 hyenas, or dogs, are hot shots nipping and tugging and surrounding 1 lioness like "you ain't going nowhere…." Then when help arrives they're like "RUUUUUN!!!!!!!"

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