King Lion Revenge Hyena For Destroying Lioness, Epic Battle of Big Cat vs Hyenas | Lion vs Wild Dogs
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▮ Link Video: https://youtu.be/w29dwvNdYyU
#bigcat #africawildanimals
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If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove
them. please contact my email : fanjun9x@gmail.com
You know the video is going to be shit when it includes this music 0:17 and is just over the ten minute mark.
That hyenas are bastards!
Hyenas are like ✊?. You never fight just one
I didn't know wild dogs are that vicious, even attacking a lioness… Theres a ton of them (well not wild dogs, you know what I mean)
Completely different shots, from different times probably of different lions doing different things.. you sick at making videos, go pack to stacking shelves
They are largely African wild dogs, not hyenas, and they are an endangered species
I am just stunned by how close the safari cars are with absolutely no protection , the guys on the safari would be excited and scared at the same time
This is a re-do of 20 old videos stitched together out of sequence and haphazardly.
it's an edited footage
This is a compilation of many videos into one.
Damn same video played over and over again for fing years change the title and chop the video up that's fing sad
Stop editing the original video. It sucks
Utter garbage and bad editing… I'm surprised some of the clips weren't cartoons!
Good videos bit how about instead of the same music that is played with all these videos you give us the natural sound of what's going on. Just a thought
i wish all Hyena's would die always attack in pack sooner they all die the better
Stupid cut out of different clips. This video is meaningless.
This video is a bunch unrelated clips spliced together. The "action" has no relation to the title. And the fake documentary music is super annoying. Complete waste of time.
These tourist should be arrested
Sick people watch a lion mother protecting her cab with a bench of wild dogs and they criminals tourist are filming
Epic failure of a clip.
I love it when hyenas kill lions but not the other way round
It’s just a mixture of different video.
Unwatchable because your editing sucks so badly
Please just stop with the music. We wanna hear nature, not some crappy music you choose.
Chinese President pima owns west coast hu
Aaron Neville puma land hu Asia
George Forman Pawnee land black Asian
Im comeing Jesus Christ you have no clue i killed 300 people with sword Christ saint im not you will all pay
Lions kill all hyenas im son of man
I do not like wild dogs and hyenas!!!.
Here goes that music again…????
I will bite you so hard.your spots will disappear"
This crappy video
The thumbnail ?
2:46 I know exactly who that lion is. That’s Ntchwaidumela, from the Eternal Enemies documentary when I was a kid. “He who greets with fire.”
poor editing
Mish mash compilation of stolen videos richly deserving of the well earned thumbs down.
Video is lame….click bait!To much censoring!
Brava mammina ?????????
I just cracks me up how 20 hyenas, or dogs, are hot shots nipping and tugging and surrounding 1 lioness like "you ain't going nowhere…." Then when help arrives they're like "RUUUUUN!!!!!!!"