PAW Patrol Pups and Mighty Express Trains team up to rescue monkeys, cats, penguins and more! This video features cartoon episodes, music videos, songs for kids, and toy pretend play with your favorite PAW Patrol and Mighty Express characters!
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SPANISH: https://www.youtube.com/PAWPatrolEspanol
ITALIAN: https://www.youtube.com/PAWPatrolItaliano
PORTUGUESE: https://www.youtube.com/PAWPatrolPortugues
POLISH: https://www.youtube.com/PAWPatrolPolski
DUTCH: https://www.youtube.com/PAWPatrolNederlands
Catch a ride with the Mighty Express — a team of trains and their kid friends who overcome trouble on the tracks with quick thinking and teamwork! Don’t miss any of the action! Make sure you ask a parent to hit the SUBSCRIBE button to stay up to date on everything MIGHTY EXPRESS!
Stay on TRACK with Mighty Express!:
Website: http://mightyexpress.com/en_us
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mightyexpressofficial/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mightyexpressofficial/?hl=en
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Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PAWpatrol
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Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PAWpatrol
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