![Stories That Will Make You Believe [ NDE Compilation ]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Stories-That-Will-Make-You-Believe-NDE-Compilation-818x490.jpg)
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10 stories that will make you believe.
A collection of touching NDE’s and other spiritual experiences from around that world that will make you question the meaning of life.
#neardeathexperience #spiritualexperience #meaningoflife
The very last one, "I've got to go." Like, fine, you do that, but I want to hear her talk! Let her finish her story, omg! That was awful!
My Dad had passed the year before and I was caring for my Mom at home in Hospice. I had always sent her flowers on her birthday, Mothers Day etc, but she always in her mind thought that I loved my Dad more than her… I constantly prayed *"Heavenly Father please let my Mom know how deeply I have always loved her."* The night before she died, she sat in her wheel chair about 10 feet from me and began to weep. After a few minutes I asked her "Mom what is wrong?" She said over and over while weeping "How could I have been so blind, How could I have been so blind!" I said "What are you talking about?" She said *"God took me to Heaven and showed me how much you have always deeply loved me, all the kind things you have said to me and done for me and I refused to see your love for me. Also He showed me that all of your children have always loved me too! How could I have been so blind?! I am so sorry!"*
I said "It's okay Mom, we don't know everything"
On my knees I held my Mom for over an hour, as she cried and cried while she tightly clung on to me saying "How could I have been so blind." It was so very very beautiful, I cried too!!! God had answered my prayer!!! I thought: "I have finally got my Mom back and we can love and enjoy eachother just as I have always wanted!!!"
But she died just a few hours later. She was very happy, talking and it was so very beautiful for all of us!!! God answers prayer!!!
Heaven and hell are real. Please know Jesus Christ as your Savior. He is the only way to heaven!!!
Aliens are pretending to be our god. They are using the Bible and the image of Jesus to deceive people. They steal human souls to feed, and to feed their alien gods. They’re predators of both the living and the dead. Spirits! Spread the word, they are dangerous and can eat souls( memories, image, voice and skills of the soul is retain and used to deceived the souls families) they can trap spirits and can kill spirits( cease to exist). Spread the word! This is happening to me right now and need help.
I 100% believe them all! Of course they’re telling the truth!
I wonder about the part when they all mention..no time nor space???so difficult to understand that?
All these stories are so similar eg the black hole and the garden its amazing how they relate it's really hard not to believe when so many say the same thing <3
Wow, first story has so many lessons ✌??✌??✌??✌????✌??
Damn. The interviewer wrapped that up quick!
Believe what ???
We already know there is another side – I was there awake
Art Bell speaking to us from the grave. R.I.P
I just don't understand how the stories can be so believable yet ppl who really need one of these experiences, not necessarily an NDE but like the lady's experience at the end, don't get them
Like ppl that are really hurting that just need a little something to keep going…
Are they not deserving of such an experience?
Wouldn't someone who's truly in pain stand to benefit from something like this
That makes me a little mad
I believe there is a afterlife and that's where we all go when the time is ready I just have a feeling in my gut that there is a afterlife and it's true and real ??
I DO!!!!There is something there!
Seek Jesus.
Please share the Love of the Son of God, He spoke Truth Forever, please write His Words in your Heart, and share them. Please Forgive, and Pray for everyone… Peace
The first testimont proved the existence of other planets in other galaxies that have other people living too. We really are not alone in this infinite universe.
If I commit suicide, do I go to Heaven?
I love the con music.
I do
Omgosh! I had a similar experience, except it was a dark, shadowy evil spirit that came out of the mirror above my bed, and my Spirit came out of my body, and was trying to hold it away from me.
Then both our spirits went rushing out of my bedroom, and my Spirit went into the hallway bathroom, and the dark spirit went out my balcony door, where I saw a Military Soldier standing guard at the door, while the spirit rushed past him.
4:34 this is similar to another profound NDE that I read about. What this woman expressed was that the act of pure souls taking human form is a divine hardship. By condemning yourself to the flesh you are balancing the god equation and allowing for love to spread throughout the universe. It's hard to understand but it's comforting to think that our time on earth is actually a service for the forces of love in the universe.
I've never had one but, in my 65 years I've had a couple hand fulls of spiritual events! So wonderful ? I was sensitive to there being more since a toddler. I want to live but look forward to the GREATNESS that awaits! GOD ALMIGHTY AMEN ???
That one guy sounded exactly like Anthony Hopkins
I don't think I believe the sniper…
Part 1. During August of 1973, I was pronounced DEAD On Arrival, at a Medical centre, and at least half an hour passed by, and then my heart started to beat again, without medical assistance… During the time I was reported to be dead, I, that is "LIFE My Real Self", felt very much alive, but not in this universe, nor did I have a human body or any other type of body. I felt NO Condemnation or judgement, but only a depth of LOVE far beyond human understanding… I saw No relatives, family or friends, and no Form, except for the Presence of pure white LIGHT.
Part 2. I then entered into the LIGHT, the source of "LIFE The Real Self", and was Aware of "The ALL". That is to say I was Aware of ALL that existed…. What I learnt from this, was essentially the DIFFERENCE, between "LIFE The Real Self", which is "The LIGHT of MAN", which is "The LIFE of GOD", and the Universes and other worlds, are just 'STORIES', told in the form of 'Holographic Simulations', displayed in a Display Register, of "The Processing System of LIFE", referred to in ancient manuscripts, as "The HOUSE of GOD" !
I wanted to hear more about the final story and it was cut off abruptly and rudely!
I agree that the purpose of our life is to know Unconditional love of God.
Thank you for your story ♥️
Absolutely amazing and beautiful emotional all at the same time thank you so so much so special to me ?
These are great stories but why does the interviewer abruptly cut them off right at the moment they are emotional in the telling???
Art Bell was just amazing. I do hope Art that your in Heaven with the Lord and have answers to all those questions you once had. I do know how much you loved time travel, so now you know all about that now. RIP Art Bell…..
Now I can commit suicide in peace thankyou
Most of it talked to m heart, it was very eotional and made me cry a lot. Thank you very much
I had a similar experience but mine was a channeling of beings who didn't really tell me who they were but I suspect, Pleiadians because their teachings resonate so much with me. This is about a year ago, I was coming out of the most difficult times of my life. I hard the most brutal DARK NIGHT OF the SOUL that basically ripped my ass apart. I was suicidal and my emotions were all over the place. I've channelled before but it was the first time I've ever felt a real STRONG, COLLECTIVE MASCULINE presence. It felt like an army and they started congratulating me and singing praises to me. I could not maintain the transmission because I was sobbing like a 12 year old gal. I didn't believe the things they were saying about me because on the contrary, I felt a STRONG feeling of GUILT and SHAME. I was stripped everything I ever thought was me including my health and by the time it was done I was NOTHING, NOBODY. I haven't heard from them in a minute.
There was I time when I wouldn't have believed any of these stories. Today I can't actually dismiss any of those stories. I had an NDE and it wasn't a good one but none the less, it happened. This is real. There is no right or wrong religion to get into the club. It's not like that.