Dota 2 Fails of the week episode 258 is a weekly show featuring dota 2 funny moments and top plays submitted by you, with commentary from yours truly, SUNSfan, and SirActionSlacks. Please submit clips at the link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpScNfjqccO7feoLE00H5ohl57UL3ZK2jWMTHn1eeP2XOXvA/viewform
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Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game developed and published by Valve. Dota 2 is played in matches between two teams of five players, with each team occupying and defending their own separate base on the map. Each of the ten players independently controls a powerful character, known as a “hero”, who all have unique abilities and differing styles of play. During a match, players collect experience points and items for their heroes to successfully defeat the opposing team’s heroes in player versus player combat. A team wins by being the first to destroy the other team’s “Ancient”, a large structure located within their base.
#dotacinema #dota2 #failsoftheweek
00:00 Intro
00:31 SFM #1
02:49 SFM #2
06:17 SFM #3
09:16 SFM #4
Just realised that void was a typical indog player
I dunno who is better?
Actionslacks or sunsfan?
guys can you please bring back the ridiculously long intros and outros? they were my favourite part of these videos 🙁
Sunsfan thinks he's better at dota than slacks, but he isn't. I've watched them play together. Sunsfan is like 4-5kmmr, slacks is around 5-6.
laughing so hard with that enigma slapping that poor scourge creeps
I miss the stupid long intros
Pls dont do this Niel senpai ;-;
This is actually so hard to watch
That outro KEKW. You guys should stream on Twitch together
3:46 could this tinker be a scripter?
I swear if you took out the intro and outro because of the community, I swear I will personally hunt down every person that complained and cut off their nipples.
I realized all you had to do is pick void everygame, there must be a time where you make it to this list
7:50 spam pinging sniper.
Picking techies pudge is already guilty for a report of grieving game ruining. also for roles
if they hardcore owned just commend them with hesitation after game.
6:50 KURWA trolls. that's what u get for picking pudge 5
4:55 he could have leaped there. special agent
3:15 this is why Pick TA against Techies. this hero pretty much guarantees you are gonna have a good lane. cuz no roaming 4
2:30 I mean, he had 2 catapults and 5 heroes dead so.
lifestealer reported for suspicous movement or cast. not hitting throne, run to enemy questionable.
SF avoided for stealing mid and not knowing how mars wall works
just upload 2 vods…one with and one without intro
problem solved
Fucking slacks XD evil windranger
I forgot the yt channel that proved pugnas myth
You get a very surreal feeling when you hear your name for the clip. (Draxxy McYeet)
How dare you insult my existence.
No intro? 🙁
OOh i missed it
How about you guys do a 30 mins podcast every week in compensation for not doing intros cuz i miss them so much ?
actually the last clip was more pa nice play than enigma fail , 90% of pa players jump right after they see crit dagger . enigma went for that but pa patient got rewarded
intro is gone which is a BAD CHANGE. stupid clickbait thumbnail is now there which is a BAD CHANGE. wtf is happenin.
6:47 it happens when we have shard and perfectly time the death of primary target so that second link creates just as primary target dies, then pugna can move
this new thumbnail and title is more interesting
Guys, i've watched you since ep. 1, and i really miss the extended intro & outro.. DON'T CUT IT OUT… WAS THE BEST PARTS!!
Lol this is the best.. Love the animations
Hey sunsfan or neil, if you read this then I just wanna say that the thumbnail faces are actually fuckin hilarious. i get why you are doing that, but its also really fuckin stupid and funny. just know that at least one person gets the joke
My eyes hurts