Environmentalists are focusing on reducing CO2 to avoid natural disasters. But it is cheaper and more effective to invest in infrastructure.
When Sandy hit the east coast of the United States on October 29, 2012, it not only flooded the New York City Subway and became an important election issue. It also resurrected the claim that global warming was to blame, together with the morally irresponsible argument that we should help future hurricane victims by cutting CO2 emissions.
Read the full commentary on Slate: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/project_syndicate0/2012/11/superstorm_sandy_fallout_protecting_new_york_from_rising_sea_levels_is_better.html
For more information about Bjorn Lomborg, visit http://www.lomborg.com
For more information about the Copenhagen Consensus Center, visit http://www.copenhagenconsensus.com
Photos: © Leonard Zhukovsky – fotolia.com
Natural disasters are increasing and I think that's bad pollution and ozone layer
I certainly agree.
Climate science is hard work so I'll just take their efforts to back my cry GLOBAL WARMING!
Sadly though denial is way more profitable as Dr Willie Soon (author of climategate) proved with his 2003 paper showing the hockey stick broken.
Seeing as no data supports that stance he slipped in moisture rather than temperature data, big oil funded it passing peer review (causing resignations at the journal) and presented it to congress.
Koch Bros paid him $1 million for his efforts!
It's on public record
Willie Soon the author of climategate (whereby personal emails are twisted to conform to a conspiracy theory in an attempt to slander honest scientists) substituted inappropriate data to prove the hockey stick broken funded by big oil and presented it to congress under oath.
He both lied about his funding and his paper!
The paper was also immediately debunked by the 13 scientists cited in Dr Soon's paper because he misinterpreted their work
climategate- Soon-er than U think
“Have you been hired by or employed by or received grants from organizations that have taken advocacy positions with respect to the Kyoto Protocol, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, or legislation before the United States Congress that would affect greenhouse gas emissions? If so, please identify those organizations.”
Willie Soon responded: "I have not knowingly been hired by, nor employed by, nor received grants from any such organizations described in this question."
Well it wasn't all Koch Bros, Southern coal and other oil companies were involved as these FOIA documents reveal:
documentcloud. org/documents/682765-willie-soon-foia-grants-chart-02-08-2011. html
documentcloud. org/documents/603297-willie-soon-foia-response-grants-08-08-2012. html
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Willie Soon to his paper with false data to congress to prove the hockey stick was broken.
Ironically his papers all used false data proving there IS no data or he'd used it!
Lomborg is such a shill, and his shilling is immoral to boot.
There is an even cheaper solution, fund climate scientists to deny climate change.
OK, OK, I know that is ridiculous and won't work because you'd never achieve peer review.
But Koch Bros showed the world that you could for a mere $1 million fund an astrophysicist like Willie Soon to publish an paper (with a little 'donation') in Journal of Physicians and Surgeons to deny climate change… problem solved.
climatesciencewatch. org/file-uploads/Comment_on_Robinson_et_al-2007R. pdf
Repeal the Laws of Thermodynamics!
It's easier to cry "global warming" or "climate change" than do real work!
Thank you for the edification! ^_^