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GAME LINK: https://www.roblox.com/games/6166984478/Hood-Fighting-Rewritten?refPageId=aae06677-cba5-43c8-ac25-bf661f18a133
TRELLO: https://trello.com/b/VLoCiV1w/rewritten
HF:RW DISCORD: https://discord.gg/ysXRfuV3Dw
Hope you enjoyed and if you did, like and subscribe! What’s your favorite finisher? Comment down below and share the video to (hopefully) get more comments! I’d appreciate it.
“Just remember that you are not alone in the world. You are worth something.” – Ninjasifu
#Roadto4k #Roblox #HoodFightingRewritten #HoodFighting
how do i use my new finisher
How do u equip a finisher
how do you use them
Yooo bro, you should update that! There's a whole lot more finishers now!
I started playing this game for like 5 hours and it was more fun than i thought even though i had 2000 something wins in the original more than this one and it's greater than i thought so and here is what i think about the air combo one: it's kinda unsmooth i think the creator needs to reanimate that
Bro that is so easy
Not to be a noob how do you equip a finisher
Mortal combat type beat
3:30 Apec Legends Wraith finisher?
with which button do you do a finisher?
Whats the name if the last finisher?
Did you add Movie scene? If don't showcase it 🙁
Thank you so so much for showing us the suplex I want to play this game now God bless you
I hage yourcontent,u ate bad priend me djmax6555
the existential crisis finisher is from apex legends I'm pretty sure
Quick Question, Taekwondo Or Capoeira?
Wait how did u get the box thing?
Nice drip ✌
Bro ur amazing i swear dont give up u will be successful in life ur dream will come true u earned my sub but I didn't earn yours❤?❤?
how to do finisher
I no cap want more news about outdoor brawling bc literally the combat for mobile on rewritten is bad with hitbox compared to hood fighting itself