Saturday is for FailArmy After Dark!! We’ve got some funny belly flops, an amazing pregnancy prank and a few great laughs! That’s got to sting. Have a favorite?
Saturday is for FailArmy After Dark!! We’ve got some funny belly flops, an amazing pregnancy prank and a few great laughs! That’s got to sting. Have a favorite?
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13:44 oh step bro imma stuck help me
Why was that lady playing with herself with the kitchen sink?
The April fool's joke.
Freaken epic!
No matter if its the US, Australia, Russia, Japan or anywhere in between, dudes are all the same LMAO
The teacher was one of the better pranks I've seen. So simple. So fabulous LMAO
I have, in my younger days, been waxed in places more sensitive than that and didn't make a racket. What a wimp…
Who in the hell leaves their toddler long enough to let them crawl into a claw machine?
? hahahha
The woman in the sink was great as Tony the Tiger would say!
What the hell happen 7:50? Does anyone know it?
12:00, that mom has been pranked more than a few times
In the 10 Stages of Being Stuck, you should actually put in effort to help someone instead of recording it.
6:05 Ok I'll be honest. I wasn't expecting this.
15:03 when you realize your "loving" family will be using this video to black mail you for the rest of your life ….. and it ends up on fail army :))
Wow at 7:40 the woman says to her daughter (?) , I could have hurts you ! Because she got scared from the pranks, sorry mom,
But with those lightning fast reflex, no I don’t think you could have hurt her, between the time she said ‘’. Bou!!! ‘’ and the time you’ve strike back, if she wasn’t laughing her ass off, she would have had the time to get out of there, and probably GO changed her complet outfit. ?????
Honestly that kick look more like ‘’ you little evils you scared me again ‘’ and then you kicked her, slow very slow reflexes, hope for the best and don’t counts on themes to save you. ???????
Good Friend 2021 (2:59).. They will always cheers with you and when you fall , they would ask "Did you get that.."
How dumb do you have to be to run away from water when you're hair is on fire?
7:53 This is the GOAT CR7 right there
Oscar for the The most traumatizing father in the world at minute 10 ?♂️?
“After dark”
All videos in the daytime 0_o
Best starting at 6 :12
6:07 wtf 're u doin
Imagine going to your friends house for the first time and trying to figure how to use his shower only to learn that you have to use the sink.
How did 6:00 even make it onto YouTube? Like huh
The pregnancy prank was awesome.
On a pessimists note…?
I can take a stab at why the teacher is relieved his student ISN'T pregnant.
? ? ?
Oh= Ohne Hirn. Wenn man so was sieht dann fragt man sich was mit den Amerikanern falsch läuft.
The hot sauce was diabolical!!
2:11 kid's laughing at his father thinking.. does he really think his a handy man proceeds to laugh histerically
Lesson learnt: people can actually truely get stuck in real life.?
But she's stuck the wrong way
6:12 I couldn’t stop laughing at that ???
The swanky white covalently back because porter directly sparkle regarding a belligerent seeder. educated, zealous output
To all the uncoordinated try-hards of the world, we love you.
Took her years but she perfected it….The Look. 12:13
6:03 ??
6:01 – 6:08 I need the sauce of this. For … research purposes. It's for … a friend.
What the hell happened to that goat?
For some reason my favorite was the whistling kettle.
The girl stuck in the dryer is going to give me nightmares.