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  1. The greatest part of quitting sugar is that you don’t crave anything’s sweet after a meal ! I feel like a super human being able to fight off my sugar addiction. No more migraines before menses , appetite is low and more energy

  2. Английский ненавижу! Немецкий,хотя они враги второй мировой,мне ближе.Но сегодня наш враг- англоязычный мир. Не лезьте в нашу жизнь!

  3. …and yet the FDA allows fructose to be added normally, coke runs rampant…and the fat…keeps going on.
    That is why we have a strong pharmaceutical industry running equally strong… gets you sick…the other one sells the cure.

  4. No refined sugar for me ! For almost 2 years . I feel so much better ! Little to no inflammation issues. I only eat bananas and pineapple with my green smoothie and in moderation. I don’t regret my efforts . .

  5. I just switched over to diet/no sugar soda and taking baby steps! Have been obese since I was a kid (51 now) my entire family is sugar addicted. I'm the only one that was obese,until these past 10 years.
    I can't cold turkey this. But I'm very determined to keep cutting down!
    Gonna go buy myself a case of Fiber and talk to a nutritionist. I absolutely have to do this! I've gained 100lbs in 3 years.
    I don't like myself and that's not a good way to be! Best of luck to us all on getting our lives back.

  6. Makes you wonder why the US government subsidizes food companies like Pepsi, Coke, Nestle, Monsanto, etc. And food companies are allowed to “hide” sugars in processed food, and call it something else. Also, the fat free craze, where fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar DOeS.

  7. Now I understand why he is so passionate.

    I am now watching a man die, and the man is stubbornly clinging to life's pleasures. What is here could have saved him. He will not listen.

    I find it hard to come to terms, but I know I can't save any life besides my own.

    I came to terms with my own mortality when I watched this. I understood if I didn't free myself of fructose (not give up, that would imply fructose is in any way good), this would be my end. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, obesity. I would die sick and infirm, in a hospital.

    Now I am better. Not entirely, still overweight- but better.

  8. t]
    This has the makings of a Science Fiction movie plot. Might as well call it as it is some alien species is here terra forming the planet earth for colonization of their species.

    What seems to be obvious is as convoluted as all get go. We today are facing a Pandemic, a Sugar induced diet that has been orchestrated as well as Big OIL polluting our world without regrets ie: (the VW dieselgate scandal) and we are being repressed and told by the powers that surround us that all is well and we should simply ignore everything negative and embrace this catastrophy as the normal way of doing things and asked (TOLD) nothing to see here just move on..

  9. This doctor is really amazing, I got rid of genital herpes within 3weeks of using this herbal medication, if you're trying to get rid of disease, infections or any type of STDs? Do not hesitate to visit DR ADO CURE REMEDIES on YouTube??

  10. High Fructose Corn Syrup is stuffed with Glyphosate (aka Roundup).

    Look up the next step in the puzzle which is glyphosate poisoning.

    Check out Stephanie Seneff, Don Huber and Zach Bush on glyphosate to get real aha moments!

  11. Wow, I'm blown away by your information. Thank you so much for sharing. I will definitely be passing this one forward. May you be blessed as many people wake up to what's truly happening with the health of the world, and how we can become aware, change our habits by learning what to eat to promote only good health. We are grateful for doctors like you, who are helping to make us aware and help us understand. ❤️?

  12. I had a copy of Yudkin's book in the 70s, and read it with great interest. I felt he was absolutely right. The sugar industry demonized fat. Of course, it was sugar that was the real problem ! They also did everything in their power to discredit, demonize and destroy Professor Yudkin. The poor man was simply telling the truth. It reminds me of Dr Allinson, earlier, and also in the UK, who was struck off the medical register for advocating a high fibre diet for patients with diverticular disease (against the current medical orthodoxy of a low fibre one…the erroneous thinking being 'smooth in, smooth out'). He set up his own flour mill producing whole grain flours which is still in business today. Like Yudkin, he was right, and established orthodoxy was wrong ! What price truth ? When you are up against powerful vested interests who see their profits potentially being jeopardized…well, we know what happens. Money before public health…every time ! The sad thing is, the government, influenced by money and lobbyists, not only go along with it, but facilitate it. Integrity ? In very short supply ! Wyn

  13. Thank you for this engaging presentation and all the work your doing to build healthy eating habits with your 4 Lifestyle Intervention Plan!! Everyone should see this. It's so sad to see the young 20 and 30 yr old women I work with so obese even before having kids. School in the 1960's and early 70's, I can only remember a handful of overweight/obese kids. Education can change this!

  14. I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic and after reading and hearing about the evils of sugar, it has gotten my utmost attention. I admit to owning my situation because I abused sugar and its misuse has begun to affect my health. I've noticed the change in my vision, my weight and I'm making an immediate change in my diet. Thank you for this informative video.

  15. Why would you mention it at the end of every sentence Alright!!????? Okay!!!!!??? ( to connect to the subconscious)
    But you make sense and smart way to influence people!!

  16. you did an amazing job with the biochem. I eat low carb high fat but almost all of my fat is from nuts and seeds and fatty fish. *shrug*.

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