Over 600,000 people want LEGO to dump Arctic drillers Shell, but LEGO isn’t listening. So a troupe of giant LEGO people travelled to Slough to pay their bosses a visit…
Add your name and tell LEGO to dump Shell: www.legoblockshell.org
Over 600,000 people want LEGO to dump Arctic drillers Shell, but LEGO isn’t listening. So a troupe of giant LEGO people travelled to Slough to pay their bosses a visit…
Add your name and tell LEGO to dump Shell: www.legoblockshell.org
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The hands are big af
everyone there basically said: hey let’s take this license away so BOTH organizations loose money! Great idea guys!
Shell is like Presdisent Buisiness. 🙁
You got there by a DISIEL powered first great western train. It will be funny if it was powered with shell fuel!
Please ignore the comment made by Rogue Tomato. Thank you.
Dear Greenpeace. Lego is only making the world better. Not you. We don't want to drive hybrids. And we certainly don't want to protest against the rich oil companies. Just because you think lego is making Sets after shell. Doesn't mean you guys have to go and protest against lego for making it look like a good company. What is the big deal Huh? Seriously. not all of us want to go out of our nice energy using homes that have a Big American gas guzzling car and say "Shell has the word hell in it so we believe its bad" I happen to enjoy lego. And whenever the V power sets are in the Stations. I buy one. Bet that gets you pissed. So look. I'm gonna say this once. Go home you marijuana smoking, Environmentally friendly hippie dickheads. And Get a Fucking Life. The world will not be like you. Sincerely a twelve year old Boy (Who happens to enjoy buying lego from a company that everyone thinks is bad) ~Me
nice video love you guys
Keep Fighting guys!