Oh man this past time at THE PEOPLES TRACK aka Yello Belly Drag Strip in Grand Prairie Texas got out of control. We have heard the stories and heard the rumors but up until tonight I had not witnessed any of the nonsense myself. This place is like the thunderdome of drag racing…minor league hockey fights…whatever you wanna call it. Stuff gets WILD when the weather warms up here. Candyman does some racing with his ZL1 Camaro, I race Elvis the Duramax against Home Depot and his daily driver, and we come across a NASTY sleeper Volkswagen wagon!
Shirts and Decals: https://stapletonautoworks.com
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Business Inquiries: mdstapleton42@gmail.com
Teaser: Uncle Rob runs again and will race really soon! Also here’s the merch link below!
Looked more like slapping than brawling!
New sub from Baton Rouge, that was some good shit, funny as hell! ☠️☠️
saw the bonus
16:50 nothing wrong with letting your viewers know about the red and green light every time because your going to have new viewers like me that don’t know shit about racing and it’s nice to let us know that..Thanks
Dude had no idea how to launch a type R?? that's what happens when a wanna be car guy has money. I got a buddy like that but with a camaro
Yes bro watched the bonus material heck yeah!
What’s this double ball or whatever he talks about that happens at the light that he hates?
I saw her blowing a guy at the port o pottys
I have one forsale. It even has all the lights still in it and the cage in the back
Not that I have raced myself before, but I can understand you wanna do your burnout away from the people at the starting line, so people start doing theirs at the starting line. Imagine being a newbie and the back of your car breaks out and having those people pinned between your car and the wall. Why are there so many people just standing aside the starting line?
Does anyone know what double ball means ? New to drag
Dude, I love this channel and the people’s track. I’m also here because I watched the extra footage.
If cleetus had a baby with donut operator…
Your voice makes me physically ill. How fucking annoying are you to hear all day long talking thru your nose w that fucking insubordinate tone just straight sounds coming out your face monotone complaining about the noise at a drag strip. I would say hey man but I pulled your man card somethings up w you. Your maddening nasally monotone makes me angry at you and I don’t know why. You’ll never drive my car. Sorry but I had to let you know that. I’m a bad person I guess but it irritates me to no end
Cool I watched the video you almost gave your opponent a chance to beat you. You are a good man. O yeah I WATCHED THE BONUS MATERIAL
Little boys with slow toy's
Dude your girlfriend is cute but your car's are slow
Them car's are slow
Bonus material
Always a good time at the peoples track…… even if you get pissed on by a guy in a cowboys honcho ?♂️ (I did see the "candy man" stuff in that cam) ? OG lol
Talk to much it’s corny, someone gana hit you.
I wanna run the candyman it be close that Camaro bad ass
I love your girl's ice cold commentary…
That dude in the white bragging about winning but good lord… They both couldnt fight to save their lives. Ive seen middle school fights with better form than this i mean i get it its a drag race meet but fuck lol if your gonna act hard at LEAST know how to somewhat look good while fighting. Almost like watching a mexican snow white and rapunzel fight over a bag of takis
Bonus was watched
Bonus material watched! Need to make it out to yellow dog myself
What kinda track doesn’t even make you wear a helmet
Made it to the bonus footage! Awesome videos man!
Words of wisdom……. don't ever follow a fight into the parking lot..! They goin "pop tha trunk"……….
Damn that white mustang moves haha
Hey there BIG DAWG, THEE 1&only Yokayodude communicating to you from Sometimes sunny California shores of Mendocino city, in Mendocino co. Letting you know that you are the 1 dawg! And I mean that you’re thee numero uno, ya know? Yep! That you man, # 1! Don’t change a mutha rucken thang! Keep yer head way,way up, & yer pants way down, feel me? Do you feel me? No, I mean would you feel me… no wait, wrong site, forget I said that man. Good job
Foot bonus
23:22 RTR
I watched the bonus material Vancouver Canada
Watched the bonus material. This channel is great.
I’m a real g
good race
That was an awesome night at the track bro. Anf yup I watched the bonus, cam shot. You should have just given buddy a new t-shirt to cover up the one he was trying to cover up with a rsg lmfao. Anyhow bro looking forward to more.
Lubing it up with that logo on his shirt??
No I am not subscribed just letting you know because you said to check
Could you ask Paris too say "Thats Hot" for me Please
Your on a drag strip thats why its so loud.
Coors light commercial yt ads well aimed
Sub liked and hit the bell. Least I could do for great work. Thnx for the content. Lookn forward to the next one.
That was some glorious bonus footage right there!
Saw the ”bonus" footage. I'm in Arlington tx and I'm a welder/fabricator with my L1 ASE and over 10 years in the racecar fab industry. If you ever need to hire somebody with a wide range skill set (diesel, heavy duty diesel, advanced electrical troubleshooting, trans rebuild, proficient in all welding processes, NHRA cert for building 6.00 roll cages/chassis, ect, ect) then give me a shout. I would love to help y'all get to the next level which a good fabricator can easily do. When a custom 4 link is only an HR away, and a built tranny only costs the materials and 2hrs the possibilities are endless.
my first watch of your channel and yes I saw the bonus material. Have seen you on cleetus's you tube. enjoyed your content and have subbed. Gets a bit wilder there than here in the UK.
bonus material all the way