After facing the wrath of YouTube – two strikes, for that matter – FailArmy is back with a long overdue Fails of the Week! And we’re not joking around… sure, it’s a bit of monkey business, but this week’s batch is the real deal. Happy #FailFriday!
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I love how the first guy took his last bite before giving his food to the monkey ?
At 7:20, what the fuck was she even thinking, though?! ??
Very Nice!
This robber/ crazy chic think she can walk out with at thing sticking out her ass without being caught? ?
PLEASE remove the subtitles and make them optional (which is how subtitles are actually supposed to work). They are soooo distracting!
3:11 when ur Minecraft house is 2 block tall
The last lady had a better chance of getting away with it if she just walked out with it
3:05. I bet if the girl did it, she would've been getting yelled at.
Being robbed at gunpoint is less threatening than a monkey shaking you down.
Where the hell did that skateboard come from in the second video?
Now the last woman is the true definition of stupidity.
Gotta give that shoplifting chainsaw stealing woman props. She knows what she wants and she gets it.
What a loser? Why he let a monkey take his food like that? Lol
Is that a chainsaw in your pants or are you just……. Yup it’s a chainsaw
80% of these are very meh. Not funny. Do better
3:32 skate hater watching that board go