CUTEST PUPPIES EVER, Shopping, Hot Tub | January 23, 2014 Shelby Church Vlogs — August 6, 2021 21 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist Slow Mo Gymnastics: source cute puppies daily vlog othershelby vlog vlog channel video Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
That's rude taking a picture of that lady like how fucked up can u be? show respect maybe she's homeless
I can tell that since you guys have moved from Washington ( I live in Washington) to California you guys have gotten that Cali skin glow! Jealous!
I missed your vlogs so much! Yours and Monica's are one of my favorites to watch.. Please start making them more consistently
here in korea there's a dog and a cat cafe lol ??
Did anyone but me see that those poor dogs are trapped in glass cages like snakes.?
That's rude taking a picture of that lady like how fucked up can u be? show respect maybe she's homeless
I love fashion island
Alright bye ???
Hella late, but those shoes.. Ahhsjdjdmrjfkdkdoldkdjdu LOVE!
lol casually vlogging in the closet
Omg cute ?
How old are you Shelby
Aw get the poor old cat? nobody ever goes for the oldies, that will be so nice ?
Adopt the cat, most of them will never know true love 🙁
Get the puppy!!
I can tell that since you guys have moved from Washington ( I live in Washington) to California you guys have gotten that Cali skin glow! Jealous!
Aw, go get the poor old cat… :(((
please get the cat! that's so sad 🙁
Get the cat, i bet its cute*
Get the cat, its so cute!
I missed your vlogs so much! Yours and Monica's are one of my favorites to watch.. Please start making them more consistently
Why is she going to the grammys?
AWH, get the poor cat!!!!!! 🙁
Get the cat!!!!