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On this Coyote’s Backyard adventure Coyote and the crew head out with Arizona’s own “Wildman” Phil and his son Archie for an epic exploration of the Boyce Thompson Arboretum just outside of Phoenix.
This is by far one of the most beautiful locations the team have visited to date and it is just teaming with all sorts of unique wildlife…get ready to see some amazing desert animals!
On Coyote’s Backyard we’re sticking to the trail because animal expert Coyote Peterson wants to show you all of the cool creatures that live just outside of your house, or in your local parks nearby. Sometimes the opportunity to connect with nature is a lot closer than you think!
If you or your family want to be featured on an episode episode of Coyote’s Backyard please let us know what amazing animals live around you in the comments section or by emailing contact@coyotepeterson.com.
*Big thanks to Wildman Phil and his family and to all of the wonderful staff at Boyce Thompson Arboretum for hosting the Brave Wilderness team and taking us on one awesome adventure. Please take a moment to visit their websites and consider planning an Arizona adventure of your own!
Boyce Thompson Arboretum – http://bit.ly/CBYboycethompson
Wildman Phil’s Website – http://bit.ly/CBYwildmanphil
The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters!
Follow along with adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they lead you on three exciting expedition series – Emmy Award Winning Breaking Trail, Dragon Tails and Coyote’s Backyard – featuring everything from Grizzly Bears and Crocodiles to Rattlesnakes and Tarantulas…each episode offers an opportunity to learn something new!
So SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the adventure that brings you closer to the most beloved, bizarre and misunderstood creatures known to man!
GET READY…things are about to get WILD!
New Episodes Every Tuesday and Friday at 9AM EST!
Subscribe Now! https://www.youtube.com/BraveWilderness
Find more info at: https://www.CoyotePeterson.com
Coyote Peterson on Twitter: https://twitter.com/COYOTEPETERSON
Coyote Peterson on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoyotePeterson
Coyote Peterson G+: https://plus.google.com/100310803754690323805/about
I have birds snakes and lizards in summer
wanna know what esle lives in the dessert YO MOMMA
I had a hedghoge on My Backyard :/
He was my comfort streamer haha-
You always find these
I’m brave and my fav reptile is snakes
Well I have a good place for a copperhead I have 2 wood planks and so I might I live where copperheads are so I may but I don't want to risk it I would if I had the tools like a snake hool
Coyotes comment section has the lamest people like where are all the memes and stuff
There’s literally nothing in my backyard or are used to be a little pond under my deck until we filled it up and then there was a whole bunch of frogs in there
That was a biggggg moth boi
I live in England so just bugs
Am I now but I got one snail have any of them
Dog + Bird = Bat
I have a cat, a dog, & a horse/pony. Here we have also have moths, alot of insects here, & snakes the main ones tht I see r green snakes here, & we also have field mice here, & deer, & elk here as well, & all kinds of diff birds here as well, & spiders as well, & lizards here as well, & also bears, & squirrels, & Mountain Lions, & Coyotes.
How much is there a wing Spand is it 13
Yea I have the California king for a pet
This is my life now being happy never mad or sad
I live in a flat and I do not have a garden or any of these animals because I am from England
i live in belgum