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Love this intro, the best so far!!!
the point about abadons inventory was that he can walk away throught the serpent wards with phase boots
Was that an announcer who shouted GET THE RAMPAGE if so wich one?
2:44 can't believe that Sunsfan and Reeves didn't know that he could've just used phase boots to get out of ward trap.
last clip dp droped a reaver
whats a paliderm? xD
that void hahaha 😀
That wisp is even worse! What the . . . xD He doesn't even wear a mushroom cap!!
No fucking way! That NS chase . . . facepalm
Stuped wisp:C
That 2nd wisp. MY FREAKING HEAD. I've never been so frustrated!
I love the intros you do
That Void got a problem on item fixing wahahhaah :DD
Ep 111 1+1+1=3 GASP
lol im the guys playing under the name Monkey D Luffy just got refered to this video by a m8 who found it by quinsidens 😀
just glad im not the one failing in it haha
ok i know that this new episodes are usually not as good as the old ones but that void clip .. i laught so hard for like 8 mins. One of the best clips on dota fails 🙂
the fucking intros!!! jk lol
LOL so hurts !!
3:17 bane could have Fiends grip nightstalker bcos it goes through bkb except for the hp damage
I don't hate the intro 3:
Night Staker's first illusion died in the "fog of war " they didn't know they've killed it , so they thought it was him 😛
Screw the tp, he had fucking phase boots.
most of these clips is just humiliating new players. Its not fails of the week its fails of the weak, not funny anymore.
LOL @ that void … Can't stop laughing