Marcel gets a call that there’s been a dog spotted next to a busy highway, but when he gets there he realises there are two dogs and he will need extra help getting the scared dogs on his truck.
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Wow, such beautiful dogs. I hope they have a good, happy life.
The disturbed trowel ontogenetically pinch because preface plausibly man like a scientific teacher. foamy, taboo barbara
Marcel is so sweet! He's one of my favs. He just loves all the dogs.
Great work!
ppl with souls showing their love for our 4 legged friends – bless the pair of you
If only every male would be that loyal.
Please tell me they got adopted together
Marcel is so cool. He has the understanding to rescue these pups. He is patient and kind and very determined. Good man
Omg yes!! I was holding my breath lol
does anyone know what episode this is from
His fantastic. Do anyone know what his doing now? Sad he left Villalobose
Marcel is a fucking gem ?
Marcel rocks!!!
Marcel has a heart of gold!!?
Nice people
No matter what size or breed it is GREAT to see how patient and care about how you take in getting these dogs off the streets and into a better place
“Now your boyfriend.”
I’m sorry that killed me! ???
Marcel has such a good heart..he made me smile saying that's one big ass dawg ???
God do many pit bulls in america left
Bruh when I went on this video and I was like what if there’s like two dogs or with baby’s
Haven't seen Marcell for a quite awhile.is he still working there?
Is Marcel still at the rescue??
These dogs r paid actors 6:05
He said: come on let’s go
Dog: looks at camera and walks to them
I love Marcel.
Bull mastiffs?
Beutiful dogs. We had dogs like then when I was little .i would like to adopt them both if still available
Glad he realized the poor thing is just more vocal
Some dogs people will think they’re aggressive but they’re really just barking just to bark.
He’s an absolutely gorgeous dog
Awww omg there’s two
I just love him. He has such a good heart. He has such a gentle nature.
You guys made an amazing team to save these animals. Beautiful video
What happened to Marcel? He was great with the dogs. He always seemed very calm with them no matter what situation he found them in.
you guys remember when Marcel went under the house to get the puppies with all the fire ants and stuff? I don't know when it was but I remember watching the video, I really love Marcel's spirit 🙂
Super Marcel?????????????
What happened to Marcel? I dont see him on the show anymore.
I love you guy's patience
Does anyone know what happened to them?