NEAR DEATH Experiences That Will Give You ANXIETY #5
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? Songs Used In The Video ?
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We spend over 12 hours per video editing to transform these clips into something that has never been seen before! There is also added commentary that is included within the video for either added entertainment or to highlight something the audience may have missed out on without said commentary. Edits include creative subtitles, that we edit (it may go bigger or smaller based on the person’s speech or have some other kind of edit). Creative sound effects are added to most of the clips to make the video even more entertaining with background music to make the video even more enjoyable. Here is the example of one of our videos in editing sequence – https://prnt.sc/15hlah3
Nobody :
1:17 crow in my backyard
Grande rod
Chain of “balls” ?
me who has agora phobia : TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFF!!!
But i didnt got anxity
The creeper did little damage bc it was in water
1:17 mans screaming in lowercase
¿Why you don't play with Thomas?
T h o m a s :
7:55 casually saying 33 bad words in a sentence
i subed sike gottem
people that use elytra all the time are funny to watch lmao
My Channel Is All For Those Who Play MCPE.I Make Tutorials Of Automatic Farms.
6:00 that's how mob farms are made so that mobs live on half a heart
It's all about the commitment to die
ANXIETY for survival death ok…….
wow, there's actually someone who go 1v1 on piglin brutes…
welcome to "hellcraft"
The poor blue axolotl
4:38 : anyone else see that axolotl getting killed by the creeper explosion?
If so, like this comment to pay respects
6:38 yo is that my boy Jarvis Johnson making it into a minecraft Royale video?? POGGGG
4:36 the axolotl died 🙁
can u try adding music to ur vids??
3:17 that’s why i always have my fov on quake pro
If the Minecraft Royale commentator cussed thatd be like seeing a house grow legs then proceed to walk on water
Idk why people who nearly die always have thr elytra in some cases like this some what low-key the reason people die and lose there world
I don’t think many people know but totems come with like a minute and a half of fire resistance
6:58 Traducción / Translation
+O sea sirve pero noo, no en sentido de publicitarte.
-Weon eres más inútil que un deportista sin piernas weon.
-Bueno, ¿ahora? Ahora que lo pienso…
+¡Oh no!
-Esa wea fue terrible cruel ahora que lo pienso.
+Quiero que clipees lo que acaba de pasar.
+So it works, but noo, no in the way of post you.
-Man you're more useless than a legless athlete man.
-Ok, now? Now that I think about it.
+Oh no!
-That think was terrible now that I think about it.
+I want you to clip what just happened.
(Sorry if my translation is bad, I don't speak English)
Man the one with the monster spawner is how I lost my hardcore world lol
I love “boom” every time a creeper explodes
who saw that tho
Estoy seguro de que el la persona que está leyendo esto triunfará ?♥️
Estoy seguro de que el la persona que está leyendo esto triunfará ?♥️
Estoy seguro de que el la persona que está leyendo esto triunfará ?♥️