This is top 10 scary ghosts caught on camera. These scary videos are full of mystery and scary at the same time, From orbs floating through a living room to scary footage of a haunted pub in Canterbury, England. These paranormal events will give you goosebumps.
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The one with the mirror the guy is praying to allah and Muhammad
This was a real good one! jeeeez, better than nukes top 5
I liked and subscribed. And will tell others about your channel. They will like it
The guy in the clip that you asked to translate is just basically praying a lot. He's explaining some. But mostly praying.
Thank you Mo!
It's funny how when.you stop whiching this because things go back to normal but once you start to which this things get out of control you know that picture off that demon I look up it's sead that a female demon i ran a ouija board on it fuck that I put a bike helmet there ??
No orbs pls
#9 that is what tf you get for messing with the ouija board.
It's kind of creepy that there's a camera mounted in the bathroom like that to begin with..
Poor editing!!!!!!
Number 5 is my Country, Chile! Puerto Montt, beautiful city??
Hey man are you still putting out vids? Just wondering if I should sub? If I recall, he's just praying, saying "praise be to God" over and over.
Its all misidentification and or fakery ?
Why would you be filming a random empty house.
Impressed by your videos
The Arabian guy was basically just saying "god the great & magnificent" & praying.
The Ouija board was hilarious
I'm hooked on your channel..it just popped up and I watched one show …now I can't stop watching it…keep up the great work
Franko TV the hide seek did not make sense because as he’s approached the grave his light went out twice giving who ever was there to run off not sure
Mo mo great videos
Why are all these ghost videos of them messing up. I would like to have one that cleans up. People would be waiting in line for one of them lol
I’d be more impressed if one of these pesky ghosts actually DID dishes instead of tossing them about.
Best top 10 ghosts videos I've seen in ages ? ones I haven't seen before, and I've seen heeeeeeaps ??
You guys are nuts. But fun to watch.
Number 9 is freaky but I’m not sure it’s real. ??♂️IDK. ???
did you seriously say 'bear' glasses being thrown off the shelves? hahahahahaha how did you get that wrong?
The first video, I didnt see anything at all. Maybe if you could enhance the lighting of the dark room we could see it.
YAY ? MO SAID IT!!, “Will SHOCK YOU COMPLETELY!” ? (This should not only be the title of his videos but also his ‘catchphrase’) ?❤️??
Hes praying to allah I've seen this video before
Hey mo's top ten!!! Awesome keep them coming these videos!!! I loved it yes indeed!! Very entertaining!!! Love your channel mo!!! Thanks again mo!!???????????????
Your videos are the worst, you never let us watch most of it you don't explain to much of it or what happened afterwards. You suck your station blows.
The guy in number 3 is saying wow this place is a dump I wish it was in Massachusetts so I could rent it out for 1500 a week plus utilities even though the electric don't work and the sewer backs up into the kitchen sink
This one had some editing and was awesome great job man
For the #1 video, it’s a shame they are infested by a destructive poltergeist because they have a very nice little appartement. Poltergeists make me think of mentally unbalanced spirits in crisis.
In the "What's behind you" video the man is praying in Arabic.
#1 that's Mellowbird1 from the UK his place has al lot of poltergeist action
Awesome job…keep it up!!
7:20 just makes me think of Drax XD it like backs out of frame super slow as if maybe he won't notice.
"I've mastered the art of standing so incredibly still.. that I become invisible to the eye.. watch…"
"you're eating a zargnut."
"but my movement is so slow.. that it is imperceptible."
Wow another amazing video… keep up the amazing work!!