The 3X 5 SCARY Ghost Videos That Will Make You Pass OUT !
The SCARIEST videos of paranormal activity CAUGHT on camera. A Top 5 list of scary shadow figures, ghosts, poltergeist activity, demons caught on video and other supernatural activity. Are these videos REAL or FAKE?. In today’s episode of 5 SCARY Ghost Videos That Will Make You Pass OUT ! You’ll see: Scary tiktok video from user user8057931871609 who experienced paranormal phenomena and recorded the ghost on the camera. (Japanese horror entertainment) Omagatoki FILM who this time went to a haunted and abandoned house where they recorded terrifying incidents, possession and a sinister entity. Sho Takeyaki who managed to record the shadow man. ZONA PARANORMAL VERACRUZ who, along with other ghost hunters, experienced paranormal phenomena and recorded the ghost on camera and a mysterious and scary tiktok video. Creepy, scary, unexplained and bizarre things caught on tape.
Check my other videos:
5 SCARY Videos That Will MAKE You Breathe MANUALLY !
5 SCARY Ghost Videos Too SCARY Even for GHOST Hunters !
5 SCARY Videos That Will Wake You Up From The MATRIX !
5 SCARY Ghost Videos That Make You Call the POLICE !
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00:00 Intro
00:10 Number 1
03:05 Number 2
17:56 Number 3
19:40 Number 4
24:12 Number 5
The Squad
Nuke’s Top 5
Sir Spooks
Shadow Man
#scaryvideos #ghosts #caughtoncamera #scary #ghost
1:07 who has a rocking chair facing towards the stairs?
2:38 Looks like an extraterrestrial being of some evil kind, caz he feels sick or perhaps cgi. Shadow People dont have such a clear shape outlines and appear often as very tall or little dark pulsating spots, which you can see with your own eyes, which points out that this beeing could have a physical body and it is just hiding the full manifestation of its form. And its not a normal shadow, it is in front of the wall. If that is real paranormal footage, I guess he is in big trouble.
I can't stop farting
#1 I think I just high as fuck
18:32 white figure with blsck eyes
so fake..
Time to leave
The Japanese-confused the shit outta me
The pic of the Asian women it u look at the pic as a whole u will see the demonic face of an Ole man with a white beard
Even more so then when u say he walking around the house and there is something crouching I in the corner of the room in the shadows ….which o don't quite frankly see not saying it's not there it's just I don't see it but wat I do see is as the kid is walking around the house and passes by that mirror at the 2:05 mark wat I saw in the mirror was a little strange in the least so go check it out and tell me what you think for I couldn't tell if that was a figure passing through the reflection of the mirror behind him or if that was a door frame kinda confused
I would flag your channel down if the option for plagiarism was there, you're copying from another YouTube that's been on here way longer than you. You use the same music and also say "I leave it up to you" to the viewer. He does that and he did it first.
Pretty good vid. Good job. You speak pretty good English too. I subscribed and gave u a?
Cant find the “japanese horror entertainment Film” channel
its big mistake to mass with hunted stuff. Dont do it ever!!!!!!!
Annoying BGM, no following this channel
Quelqu'un aurait le lien vers la la chaîne Youtube japonaise, svp ? Impossible de trouver
I tried watching but kept passing out .couldnt. figure it out
Hey Dominik! Just found you and subbed as your video came up in my suggested! Glad I decided to check it out! Look forward to seeing more ??
These Japanese videos aren’t very good??… I don’t know why people keep uploading them ??♀️.
Tiktok is cursed y'all ?
love the vids keep up the good work 😀
You need to go to some speech classes.
I don’t care if it’s just videos like this or movies , the Japanese people can make some of the scariest horror videos and movies. Way scarier than anyone else in my opinion. And that’s why I love to watch Japanese horror , just freaky awesome.
The first video is something that yells "hi i need attention tic tok seema alright"
The shadow behind the guy in the first video , looks like a blow up Halloween Frankenstein , just my opinion , but it doesn’t look like a spirit shadow to me
23:14 there’s a face that sucks down in the third pillar
Wtf ? is that real ? The Japanese video if so burn it down , or good acting I nearly shit bricks , subscribed ?
in the 1st video when it pauses to show the shadowy figure I'm sure there's either 2 or 3 of them, does anyone else see them or is it just because I'm watching it on my phone? ???
You talk too much.
I can't really believe every Japanese ghost videos in youtube.
Wtf is with the chickens?!? That is some New Orleans, Satarea shit! I am waiting for Voodoo Priestess to come out and swing a machete at them.
May I ask what happens if one does not choose wisely?
Anyone pass out or pass gas?
Why you act like NUKESTOP5
The ghost come back with the images/ pictures you draw, everything is come from the people idea even gods.
The Asian videos in general don't convince me, sorry to say. They generally seem fake.
China version of nuke top5 sorry but please improvise ???
24:00 I believe it is a demon that is actually taller than what's circled watch above where the circle is and replay it something moves in the same way at the top as well
From 21:37 re-watch it but this time pay attention to the bottom most left most of the window to the guys left it looks like a head looking out and even changes positions gradually
I love this channel but a lot of videos are foreign so you have to read subtitles which means sometimes you miss whats happening. Just me having a moan, love your channel though ? keep up the frightening work! You always find super scary videos! ✌?
At 2:min or something around in a clip you missed the apparition walking past in mirror behind him.. check out
It be nice if youd given links to these channels you feature
nice Ghost