Brave Dog Rescues Baby Deer From Drowning | Good Boy Storm

Brave Dog Rescues Baby Deer From Drowning | Good Boy Storm
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Storm the Dog noticed a baby deer in the middle of the harbor struggling to stay afloat so he leapt into action to save it from drowning. He brought it to shore and made sure it was safe like a good boy!

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  1. Wow, people are so quick to judge shit even when they know nothing at all about what they are judging. Are you people so bored that even something positive has to be made negative? Do you even know anything at all about animal instincts? If that dog wanted to eat that baby deer he certainly would have. He saw it drowning and rescued it. End of beautiful story. Even though some here would rather a tragic ending. Grow up!

  2. All domesticated dogs are 99.8+% genetically identical to a gray wolf. Not sure I'd call this a "rescue". Dog is torn between instincts (knocking the deer down) and obedience (tugging at the deer's leg to help it stand again). Deer likely hopped in the pond when he saw a "wolf", which is not uncommon.

  3. there's something fishy about this "rescue" story.  hope the deer is ok. the guy was wearing a dog rescue tshirt in the longer version of this video so could he have set this up to get advertising/donations for his group?  I hope not.

  4. He saved the deer. And its soft enough he'd either eat it, keep it, or play with it to death. He's a dog, even he had no idea which it would be yet. That's what dogs do. Lol

  5. I've seen dogs nudging and pushing newborn pups just as roughly to get them moving and breathing, BUT I am not sure about what happened here. That fawn looked beyond help. JMO

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