CRAZY Goat Attack Human Compilation – Funniest Animals Scaring People Videos 2019
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5:44 <- LMAO!
I was attacked by 20 goats when I ran out of food at a petting zoo 40 years ago.
honestly I feel bad for the goats-
Yep! Gotta watch out for those Billy Goat Gruffs! They will do damage..
I seen many videos now on goats. I seen many people say they make good pets.. I dont see that. I see a danger to your kids if you have any. They can rams those horns up into a kids eye socket.. The one almost knocked that girl out in front of a car that was passing by..They ram kids heads, stomachs.. etc.. No way..Not good to have kids around goats.
I love these people take a risk just for views,,,
The goats are not attacking anyone. They are being annoyed & teased.
Respect the animals, they are wonderful beautiful creatures, its annoying that some humans goad them ,and appear to want to hurt them,
0:47 the goat after the man pushes him:
I am dead. What a big surprise.
Some of these idiot people get what they deserve.
Love these vids
Pov:youve got your daily dose of feeing sorry for the kids
Half of these videos are just kids getting brain damage
Que manera de maltratar a esos pobres animalitos , qe estupides de seres humanos
Provoking animals is not funny in any way.
Well at 4:27 that's a good way to get brain damage
8:30 farm girl: good wife material right there.
Beautiful video
Minecraft goats be like
I guess these people have never met the angry goat????
6:47 tho xD
Other animals: immediately stands and follows mother from birth, and when attacked they still try to get up and run
Human babies: can't stand for years, requires constant attention and cries for food and sleep, when they fall over they just cry
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