China has consistently witnessed floods and climatic change due to the rise in the temperature. Thousands of lives have been lost, several homes have been submerged while many people have been displaced. Watch this video to see the deteriorating conditions in China.
#China #Floods #Climaticsituation
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No country on earth can cope with huge natural disasters like we are witnessing now miss, do u think India can cope better? or even Russia n America? we are ALL at the merci of extreme weather
Fake as it gets.
Do the CCP leaderships witnessed the worst hit floods earthquakes in China. If so, they must realised it and start asking them selves why it so happened very often.???
REPENT xi jim wi
Wher is beauty shines girls dance in videos
Ver esto me preocupa como son nuestro projimo las que estan viviendo su peor desgracia creo yo.
Es un pueblo que no conoce ha Dios . Lo que tiene que hacer su presidente de China es arrepentirse de su Idolatria y reconocer ante su Pais que El como mandatario ha errado por querer retirar de todos los centros de estudios La SANTA BIBLIA y por ende desacreditar a todo Cristiano de su Pais. Debe cambiar esa actitud ,Debe hacerlo ya. Porque socumbira mas necesidades. Debe buscar a nuestro Creador. Soy Peruano.
E a ✋ mão ✋ de Deus em tudo isso ,Apocalipse se cumprindo estamos na reta final.Jesus está voltando para levar a sua igreja, quem e a igreja ,aquele que guarda a palavra de Deus no seu ? coração esse e vitorioso está a caminho do milênio..
India cannot even take care of her toilets and yet have the cheek to comment and comdamn others.
India is just green with envy and jealousy!
China is able to green "desert" what can India proudly show to the world?
The slums in Mumbai?
You can see how well a city is built by how well it drains after a strong rain!
They better father than he needs repacked and admit that this is God and not no stupid climate change that scientist made up to ignore the good Lord
Given de las desgraciad de la humanidad dediquencen solo a informar con la verdad (*/Los periodistas no tienen opinion su opinion personal no va tengan algo de etica por Dios .*)
Ustedes Los periodistas son realmente enemigos de la Paz siempre estan cuando conflictos creando noticias alarmantes.no tienen pesadillas given de las desgracias de la humanidad
ACTS 2-38
Immediately tobe implemented democracy country. No communism
Китай должно смыть за то ,что они уничтожают тайгу России
Is this the right word for China, #Boomerang?
Wake up China before the final verdict to your greediness..
Why are almost all Indian media giving out vindictive reporting, blaming China daily.
Yr QUAD friend had just accused India as the 3rd biggest carbon polluter on earth.
You pple are so obsessed with China.
If you pple do not wish to hv catastrophic disasters which are also happening in
India right now, pls do decent reporting like MOJO STORY n not only focus n sensationalised on China alone.
Catastrophic disasters are also happening in Europe n yr QUAD Master's
country right now but not much of a tweak on them.
Waooo is god
Super Situation ???????alles tot
The kingdom come of Almighty God otherwise known as the Republic of the Philippines on earth, his holiness and greatness Saviour of Heart Saviour of POVERTY and Lawlessness Salvador de corazon in the highest forevermore amen
Philippines is the secret name of the Almighty God
Go and live in city . what you give to nature.,nature relaying it with interest.