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Out Of The Woods- cover by Tiffany Alvord https://www.youtube.com/user/TiffanyAlvord
I can understand the surprise. She didn't look big enough for all those puppies!
Poor approach
Love the video but the music is dreadful!
There is not enough verbal reassurance when the dogs are freaking out.
It would be nice if you didn't play the music so loud that your comments cannot be heard.
God bless you guys for saving this dog ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Allah bless you always for helping them ?????????
Theres efficiency for you – 11 dogs in one capture!
I think they're a bit too young to be separated from their mother. For the sake of the mother. The puppies would have no problem with it, but I don't think, at the time of this video, she (Skye) was psychologically ready to be separated from her babies.
I do not like the music in the background. It is annoying couldn't watch it anymore forget it!
I’d received a invitation on behalf of PAWS to subscribe the channel. Have to confess I wasn’t going to accept it cuz PAWS is unique, trustful and irreplaceable but decided to give a go. And I’m very (I’m already subscribed) surprised and amazed how similar the works are done right here. I’ve been forwarded too many invitations all around the world in the same category and always declined em. Not because I don’t trust em but cuz I’d already made my choice and my choices normally aren’t made for many. So I concluded it is time for exceptions.
I’ll start to follow guys. Thank PAWS FOR THE INVITATION
she is trying to figure out just what you all are trying to do…….poor girl…a little protective I think….she is scared as heck…Loretta is something with dogs…how adorable. she knew….that's why the protection…so cute! ….thanks guys!!
Its funny
beautiful girl
Adorable little monsters. Great job guys
A abordagem que vcs fazem , é impressionante!! Adoro!…!
Stop the crappy music
Only assholes dislike this video! Now go cry to your mommy
Thank for helping them your great ???
When I get older, I'm gonna do this and save millions of animals in need
What a surprise! And how adorable aww
are we out of the woods are we out of the woods are we out of the woods are we out of the woods are we out of the woods are we out of the woods
whats up with the horrible intolerable god awful chick music? Damn….
Thank you for helping out. It was a very difficult operation. Female pregnant dogs are usually extra skiddish.
The music playing in the background was terrible and annoying.
How I hope somebody will adopt those lovable puppies
No me gustó como lo agarró no se ganó su confianza primero , solo la hizo sufrir con ese trato , me extraña mucho !!!
Who's from Hope For Paws – official?
Gorgeous doggo ?
What kind of rescue is this ? They pressure to much the dog
The level of patiance the recuers must've had to catch her and the levels of patience Skye needed for those babies.
These dogs have a moment of fear and a lifetime of happiness the people who disliked this video along with other rescue videos are rude and don't care about how animals feel they are selfish all the people who rescue are amazing and just saying no matter what anyone says your awesome and NEVER stop what your doing!
I mean what type