Greatest Fights In The Animal Kingdom Part 2 | BBC Earth

Greatest Fights In The Animal Kingdom Part 2 | BBC Earth
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Watch as Orcas, Crocodiles and Bears all go head-to-head in our greatest animal fights! For family or territory, these determined animals won’t go down without a fight.

Check out part 1 here

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About the Author: Admin


  1. The best croc is a dead one…if there's more than 3 at same place than others should be shot….and the only reason the male bear let the fish go is so the other bear can take it …..not because it's a male fish

  2. I don't agree with what the narrator says about the 2 bears in the river. That male was actually a gentleman of bears. Should have left that job for Sir David Attenborough to do it. ЁЯШЙ

  3. why does the bear not want the male fish.. is it gay to eat a fish with a penis or something?

    I bet if you gutted that bear you'd find a bunch of fishs'icks and he was only avoiding them once the girl came arouind.

    He's a gay fish.

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