One of the great things about this planet that we call home is that it is full of constant surprises! Yep, Mother Nature moves in mysterious ways, and there are tons of crazy natural phenomena out there that will blow your mind! Many of these spectacular events have been happening for millions of years, but we’d be lucky to spot them even once in our lifetime! That’s why it’s even more incredible when these moments are caught on camera! From bubbling volcanoes that glow electric blue, to the strange place where it rains frozen iguanas, these are the 15 Craziest Natural Phenomena Caught On Camera
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AMAZING Craziest Natural Phenomena
2:27, It looks like a shopped 4-5 ft. wave on the east coast.
Him: This mysterious triangle lake came out of nowhere!
Everybody gangsta till mother nature gives volcanos admin and let them make their own weather
2:25 kinda looks photoshopped because why would the people just be standing there? Also the wave just looks like an enlarged normal wave, the foam would be smaller 🙂
Spider rain. Oh hell no!
can we get new content 22 videos
Too many lies , I don't like.
Omg are you dumb?
You can see water droplets and bubbles in the wave?
Lol who researched this wave image?
Lmfao that's appalling clickbait
What a fantastic (and attention grabbing) Educational channel !! Also love your graphics ????
one would think that if there was a massive tidal wave like that it would have been national news. I think it is a Photoshop job. A good Photoshop job but photoshop nevertheless. #missingtopic
Spider rain would be my hell. I would lose my dam mind ✅✅✅
Yo the smoke makes his hair and the bottom of the flames is his chin and neck, once you see it you can't un-see it, WeIrD.
If you pause at exactly 3:20 You can just make out a Devils face in the flames and lightning, Just saying.
All the army's in the world cannot beat mother nature
"… more likely to win the lottery…"??? Obviously aimed at morons, from morons… let's get out of here…
Don't they have one of those waves in either Oregon or Washington state?
I used to seee red and pink and purple and even green lighting where I used to live in north Carolina all tho I dont know why or how I seen these beautiful lights bc when every I seen them it wasnt raining
The huge water lake that appear is from a underwater cave system and being the big it was the perfect chance for algae and other living organisms to grow and live and chance our the water is the was the dark and brown do to where it's from and the amount of people that went in it most likely inside it
I'd love to see a moon bow!
#missingtopic if you look at the picture zoom into the bottom right corner where is says the name of the building you can find where it's from and get more info into the huge wave
So dumb
How about your click bait is about to reach 0%
Roll clouds, ( better known as " arcus clouds " ), should have been mentioned on or in this list.
Just saying.
Ice orb's are common thing in India ?. We experience it every year on first rain during end of summer.
You have a good voice and so neat to see these things ??
Aguana is original in RP
if its not real or verified what is the point?
"What a great idea." As point of fact it was such a great idea the U.S. used it to stop the dust bowl.
#MissingTopic: Giant wave= Giant load of crap! (Photoshop!)
BTW: It is Novosibirsk — Not 'Novisburg'!
If your life was in danger and I could say something that would save it, would you listen? If yes, please do so because your life IS in danger. Jesus Christ is returning soon to judge the nations. Do you know Him? He loves you and died for your sins on that cross so you could walk out of His Courtroom and be declared, "Not guilty." To accept His offer of free eternal life, all you have to do is repent and trust in Him. He will change your heart and give you peace. Why am I telling you this? Because I care very deeply where you're going after you leave this earth. According to Bible prophecy, some events are coming that should scare you. Don't face what's coming without Jesus. Please repent today because, according to Bible prophecy, this wicked world doesn't have much time left. God Bless.
Yeah I spiders are my biggest fear IMA look away
Great video as always. This channel is very interesting and educational. Keep your videos coming, they are awesome ??? Hats off to all you guys on a job well done ? ???
So, am I the only one who thinks the mamatous formations are called that cause they look like boobies(mammaries)?
God Jesus and they came to him, and awoke him,saying master,we perish then he arose,and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water,and they ceased,and there was a calm,it great.
Bro I really like ur voice …
13 hrs late, better later than never there. I appreciate you alls channel
The Tunisian lake is real but extremely toxic and deadly
That wave photo is fake, but the size of the other waves seem to be Portugal
Do not fear. Whether we live or die, have FAITH in Jesus Christ!
#missingtopic it's fake.