Compilations of Mother Nature get angry caught on camera
Natural disaster video compilations
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Ya Allah kher ferma
Location? Where?
Stay safe everybody Gidbless
How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard them. Hebrews 2:3
End of Earth the whole world is effectied because of tomuch sin is going on in the world Just pray for Allah blessings
Bencana kiamat pagi korban2 yng tewas ini
The werther changes that day of the lord is comming back punish this world
solikewise ye when ye shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors
But of that day hour knoweth no man no not the anges of heaven but my father only
But pray ye that Your fligth be not in the winter neither on the sabbad day
call on the lord in the day of trouble and he will deliver you
For god so love the world that he geve his only begott son that who soever bilieveth in him have everlasting life whosoevr does not bilieveth in jesus see not the life of gods warth on him
Jesus sayd that I am and father are one
सब ने नदी और नालों का भी रास्ता रोक रखा है।
जब नदी के बिच मे ही बनाऔ गे तो ये होना ही है।
YouTube ko 144p aur 240p quality hatakar 360p par kar dena chahie.
Deus fala e assim para quem não dar ouvido a sua palavra Fala Deus?????
1:55 that chair’s girlfriend said she’s home alone lol
Salam dari,indonesia jkt, hadir kambek ?
masya allah..allahuakbar.
What kind of comments do you want. First ofall you are captcharing nature video and you are asking for comment. What kind of person are you
La madre naturaleza tiene una fuerza y una voz que le ordena y ésa aunque muchas personas todavía con todas las cosas terribles que están pasando en la tierra no lo creen pues si la humanidad no vuelve su mirada a EL DIOS que hizo lo vemos y aún lo oculto que todavía EL nos ha dejado ver buelvance a DIOS mientras estemos vivos porque después no hay esperanza para nada ni nadie y como en los días de Noé y la humanidad lo save y lo repite sí antes que tú alma deje tú cuerpo no lo reconocistes a ÉL como él único Dios que existe te escucha cuando lo llamas y te contesta y te ayuda sí verdaderamente crees en ÉL DIOS de Habrán de Moisés y de Josue busquen en la Biblia y ayi encontrarán los milagros que hizo ese DIOS que está muy dolido y lleno de amor y compasión ÉL no quiere que las almas se pierdan pero la humanidad sigue indolente y burlándose de ÉL yo pido a ése DIOS que tenga misericordia de la humanidad y como yo sé que habemos millones de creyentes en EL JESÚS que murió en la cruz y a los tres días se levantó de la tumba y dijo donde está oh muerte tú aguijón muchos están orando a ése DIOS que todo lo puede que tenga misericordia con la humanidad y repito mi oración es también por la humanidad y que EL les de un chance de salvarse aceptándolo a ÉL como su único y suficiente SALVADOR miren lo que pasó en la India que hicieron los humanos con sus dioses? todavía hay un tiempo deceo que la persona que leea este mensaje le sirva para hacer un alto en su vida y levante sus ojos al cielo y llame a DIOS ÉL responde a quien lo llame desde el fondo de su corazón DIOS tenga piedad y amor por los quedamos en éste mundo ANA MARÍA ESTÉVEZ ??????
End times are here. These are the days of Noah. People please repent and pray to Lord Jesus Christ for his divine protection and healing. God Bless you all….
When I make home no any scientific process
Excuse me suddenly.
It may be hard to believe, but I hope you read it. And this is by no means a religion.
There are two people named Ms. Katsui Yashiro and Ms. Megumi Yashiro in Kodo, Adachi-ku, Tokyo, Japan.Ms.Katsui is an ancestor of our planet who came down to France 74 years ago.However, she was kicked out of France and brought to Japan. Ms.Megumi came later.What do you think of the world today? What do you think about the coronavirus and natural disasters around the world? There is a reasons why these have happened or are happening now. That's because some people are aiming for Ms. Katsui Yashiro and Megumi Yashiro and doing terrible things to them. They have come to save the earth. Nevertheless, with such terrible treatment, the earth is getting worse and worse. By helping them, your precious life is saved from all natural disasters. At the same time, increasing the number of people who help will change the current state of the earth. If the number of people who help them does not increase in the future, they will disappear from this earth, and natural disasters that is far more powerful than the ones that are happening now will come. By helping them , your life is saved and the current state of the world can be changed.
Some people may think they are lies. But why do you think they are lies? I think most people think that they are lying, even though they haven't actually done helping.
It is up to each person to believe or not.
But I never lie. I can say that.
By living human beings protecting the Buddha, the evils of those who have been aiming for them will be revealed.
Time is already limited, so please come and help them.
I ’m waiting to a good reply from you.
Châu chấu, những dòng sông nước chảy như máu, bệnh dịch, hạn han, lủ lụt, các điềm lạ, động đất.. là báo hiệu tận
Sắp tận thế lúc 15 giờ
Semoga Tuhan yang maha kuasa melindungi umat-nya. Semoga bencana alam cepat berlalu. Semoga tidak ada korban jiwa. Ini video kami file untuk pelajaran bagi kami yang tinggal dekat 4 gunung dan dekat 3 Danau dan dekat 2 sungai besar dan dekat 5 Water fall DiDesa Desa pelosok diBali Indonesia
Credo é o fim
Nossa que coisa triste. Deus tenha misericórdia deles
The stupidity of people knows no bounds.
that's why we must love and care our mother earth…☹️
? the end signal ?!!!
Hope those two guys got out safely ?