In case you hadn’t already figured this out, our world is full of crazy and unpredictable natural phenomena. But guess what? There’s always more, and we found a whole bunch of crazy, real-life natural events that we just had to share. Because… what the heck, nature? From the most common natural disaster to curiously colored ice crystals, here are the 15 Craziest Natural Phenomena Recorded On Camera!
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Turn off the volume. The voiceover is just annoying, and takes away from the footage.
6:23 damn, God be on some gay agenda.?
Years ago when I lived in a shack at the base of a mountain I was laying in bed and suddenly a basketball size ball of electricity lit up my room stayed for a few seconds then disappeared.
Earth quake is a aorder of God,,judgement for the crimanals.Crimanals use,weapons to destroy certain countries,for their benefits. Now the time has come,.,punishment of God.The Creator of the whole Universe.God is great.His justice is greater.
I have seen the rainbow cloud in the Carribban.
12:00 looks like a ball sac ngl
more threats? are you nuts?
The narrator is unbearable. I had to cut the sound.
Sorry to tell but you talk way to much crap, I mean the video would have been much more interesting if you wouldn't have taklt so much nonsense after every phenomenon. Like the 2 or 3 phrases where you explain what you see are perfect but the rest is so unnecessary and they made you a 20 min video that 70% of the people won't even watch entierly
The senseless chatter pushes me to select “Do not recommend channel “
Good God. That commentary. If it could stop ✋ ?
6:28 no mystery, chemicals in the sky.
Leave the jokes to the comedians. Love the pictures and videos other people have taken.
2:15 song?
Beach water lights up, where is this place?
I am real real late
My mom was in the big earthquake in LA on 94. I was too but was too young to remember.
The moronic and juvenile babbling is totally unnecessary and a definite reason to block this channel from my feed. Too bad, because the stuff would be interesting if not for the massive turn-off of listening to what sounds like a 14 year old momma's boy trying to sound cool in front of friends who know he really isn't.
Mammatus clouds are quite common around thunderstorms. Nothing to worry about.
Hoping to visit maldives aftrr pandemic with you?.
BTW, Thumbs up to your jokes???
That joke went to far bye
One word…. SHARKNADO???
stupid narrator tries too hard to be funny…..just show us the fucking videos and drop the distracting commentaries…. totally ruins the video
I'm waiting for your stoopid centipede to crawl on my face.. hmmmm
You talk too much
gateway to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Humans be like……??☠️?? While God? order Earth to RAGE ??️??️?️?️
It is too bad I like your videos.
why do you threaten with bugs. I think I am going to move on.
Wonderful video! Thank you for sharing ??
Jesus Christ is Lord and he's not to be mock. Matthew 24 /Revelation
This narrator is horrendous
The one segment about the clouds look like a bunch of little cotton balls to me LOL
Hey amerikano i dont like earthquake my friend it is the most terrifying events and phenomena well that could bad and something
Your lame humor ruins it for me. great footage, though
The cringe commentary makes this unwatchable. It’s almost as bad as watching Trevor Noah or Lilly Singh.
Why do Millennials refer to the ground as the "floor"? The floor is indoors, kids.
I've seen the aurora several times in the USA. in South Dakota, Nebraska and even Southern Colorado. Generally, the only color I saw was green, but one night, in Nebraska, there were red "balls" growing and disappearing while it went on. That is the only time I saw any color other than green, and it freaked me out because I thought my vision was going crazy.
The turquoise ice crystals form the same way glacial ice forms. The dense snow pack over the Siberian lake compresses very slowly into ice forcing out all the air leaving behind blue ice just like the same process in glaciers.
Weather Modification
Ok… number 14 is both beautiful and cool ?
Revelation 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men," This is not speaking of God doing this, but is speaking about Satan and the false prophet doing this and it is coming sooner than people think!
I'm definitely first
Death is not just dead, but after death judgment for eternity. The gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and read Romans 5:9 and 10:9-10. Use the KJV bible. Videos; The Grace Gospel, do you know what it is? and Why Rightly Dividing Bible study l and ll. "Where do you plan on spending eternity for ever and ever."
Why have I learned more science in this video then I do in my science class?-