BiBi’s lovely reaction when see new puppy
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#babymonkey #Animalshome
BiBi’s lovely reaction when see new puppy
@ Help our lovely animals with Paypal
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#babymonkey #Animalshome
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Cuteness overload :-), thank you for sharing
Just love these videos the animals are so loving to each other love Bi Bi they dad take good care of them all ?
Feliz noche, bendiciones
Don't you ever wonder how they get these baby monkeys? They kill their mothers and when they get big and uncomfortable they release them again and there they are killed by their conspecific. Please don't support this kind of channels. Think about before you give a Like.
Bibi is so adorable and so tiny, she always looks so cute.
Love the furniture and houses you made for all the animals. Bibi makes use of everything
Bibi assumes the animals are her toys, she is so fascinating.
Speechless love from india
Бибишка похожий на гномика дуже забавни.малиши.хазяин.зробив замичательну.игрову.плочатку.еде друзьям.розгуляться.хорошо заботиться.просвоих маленьких.воспитаников ?♥️????????❤️??
So cute
Bibi love
Just found jockey to win Melbourne cup , he's got no weight ??
ह्या सगळ्यांच्या बाबांना एकदा बघायचा आहे
Means I want to see their loving dad.
Poor dog.
Бибиша , маленький матросик. Со всеми дружит. Любознательная!!!
Bibi es muy bello pero abusa de sus amigos ,así que no le doy ningún like…
Que lindo sapequinha!
Здравствуйте, добрый молодой человек! Люблю Ваш канал. Очаровательные малыши, такие чистенькие, ухоженные, у всех очень красивые костюмы. Такая дружная компания. Спасибо Вам большое за такое прекрасное видео. Удачи Вам во всём!!! ❤️
Hahaha she's just like any toddler!!! Adorable bunch of joy!! ❤
Que bonito otro amiguito
Poor dog ?
Eso se llama maltrato animal alos animales no se humanizan genial que adoptarán niños abandonados.
Новенький в шоке ?
I ❤ Bibi. ? ?
A beautiful puppy !!! & BiBi. Loves the pup !! Taking good care of the puppy too !!
I ❤️ Bibi!?
Theres time to play and time to rest.Sometimes we need time for ourselves.Monkeys are active.Hope the poor dog hv her/his own time to rest without being disturbed.
The puppy is so good , adorable.
Doesn't cause any harm to her ❤???.
Where is the other little dog?
thích thật
Oh my god your videos are so beautiful you show the animals to love not fight not hate you show them how to love and have fun
She makes new friends quickly. She's so sweet and gentle. ????
Estoy muy feliz. Viendo estás ternuras qué felicidad de encontrar personitas como tú amando los animales
Hi dear Bibi,your puppy is so nice and the kitty, too!kissesfrom Lisbon.??????????????????