Fake Animal Rescues on Youtube

Fake Animal Rescues on Youtube
Spread The Viralist

Hoping to bring the news of these channels to more people. These accounts are designed in a way to make people think they’re doing good deeds, but really they’re just abusing the animals and putting them in terrible situations over and over again. Something needs to be done about them.
Join the conversation here:
➧Discord: https://discord.gg/MXKbGBd
➧Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_Narrater
➧Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/jayceoce

Background music by: https://soundcloud.com/lunchboxaus


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About the Author: The Narrater


  1. I have spread a link all over youtube channels pointing out the problem and a link to a petition to youtube and the comment keeps disappearing, So I've contact A Current Affair in Australia. This shit needs to be televised and made known to the general public. Anyone else who cares, contact your tv station, put it out on social media, tells your friends and sign the petition on change dot org and anything else you can do to stop this. It's up to us!

  2. These videos are so sad. What's the point of endangering an animal for likes? If the videos had a follow up where the animal was rehomed or something after the rescue that would at least add some credibility…

  3. And Wilderness Channel 2020 is doing the same thing, I told my parents about it but they wont do anything because "we can't do anything" I told them that we can call the international police but they say that we cant report something like this to the police

  4. It pisses me off that channels that are doing illegal things are only taken down once they go viral or something like that, Narrator why don’t you try and find more channels that do shit like this and expose them before they can do more damage, great content btw lol

  5. Happy dog is really fake people I saw with my own eyes he had the same puppy in different situations report them all report I report it every day

  6. I saw 3 indians "rescuing" a dog from the grab of a pyton, They dont cut the begining, They were obviously waiting fir the Phone to be recording, Just like actors, They pot the dog in danger.

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