Meet My New Rescue Horse! Big Reveal! AD | This Esme
Thank you so much to the staff at World Horse Welfare, Glenda Spooner Farm with all the help in making this video, and supporting me rehoming Duke.
If you want to learn more about the incredible work that World Horse Welfare do, or if you have the time and space to regime a horse then please visit https://www.worldhorsewelfare.org
My new annual is available for pre-order here:
Limited Signed copies available whilst stocks last – thank you!
Merch! https://www.ponymag.com/shop/category…
Buy my Hatsilks and Body protectors here
Buy My Helmet Here!
*Disclaimer* I am a Sponsored rider AD for Voltaire Design + Baileys Horse Feeds + Charles Owen + Ariat + LeMieux + Hy Equestrian however all opinions are my own.
Instagram – @this_esme
Business email – thisesme@outlook.com
My name is Esme and this is me so I guess my channel is ‘This Esme’.I make videos about all things horsey such as Vlogs with the ponies, horse care videos and edits of me riding to help other equestrians learn more about these beautiful animals as you never stop learning with horses. 🙂
Casper 15hh 2006 white grey Connemara
Mickey 13hh 1999 cream Standardbred
Joey 16hh 2014 dapple grey Tb x Warmblood
Willow – White paint donkey
Bruno – Brown donkey
Toby – Black donkey
(Sometimes our guineapigs and chickens are featured too)
I am very fortunate to have all these animals in my life.Thank you so much for supporting my channel it means so much to me. x
#Horses #Equestrian #NewHorse
Mickey is like finally I’m not the shortest
Also congratulations he is so cute
Another gray? WHAT A SURPRISE ?
He NEEDS to go in your intro??
can you ride him cause i dont think you can with his size
Can’t wait to see more videos of him. And the new intro of course
Esme pls upload a new video asap. Because I want to know what are you doing with Duke! And here is a suggestion, you should have uploaded the summer morning routine after getting Duke.
This is me joe is actually on the video one time I saw it I was watching a pony video and then I saw this video what had show me in it so that was when you must’ve been when you were nine
Awww he’s kind of like a min joey
Just adorable adorable
It wouldn't be a this esme video if esme didn't have a new horse reveal??
Duke is adorable Esme. Also could you interview Harlow luna white
That is the the cutest horse ever.
My horses neighed at the sight of your new horse. They're excited too!
Give your horses gigantic hugs from me!
Congrats ! Wasn’t what I was expecting, I thought it would be a mare and then you’d put it in foal ? he’s so adorable ?
He is adorable!
How did you come up with your intro
Congrats on the new herd member
I remember when she got Joey a little while ago. The fam is growing!
Everyone has two agreed that he is the cutest thing I love him????
if you wanted to you could cart break him just for fun.