We’re all used to cats and dogs and hamsters as pets, but did you know there are some other pretty unusual and gosh-darn cute creatures out there that you could take home with you? From a surprisingly fast reptile that can live for a hundred years to a giant rodent with webbed feet, here are 15 of the Cutest Pets You Can Legally Own!
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The chick on the thumbnail is my favorite animal.
MOUNTAIN MOUSE??????????????????????
(I've been calling Chinchillas mountain mice since I first saw them on go Diego go)
Him: this sectipeed will crawl up ur face
I'm really scared of spiders except for trantulas but I would hate having it as a pet.
I want a chinchilla.
I have a rabbit but big rabbits are grumpy and small are cute. The small rabbits should be protected from cats.
They are do cute
I have a baby duck pet four of them
I’ve had ducks and rabbits
Please don’t promote keeping exotic wild animals as pets. They belong either in sanctuaries or in the wild!
My cool but attention seeking pet is Nigel the chubby chameleon. Chameleons are very good pets but need attention, a suitable sized cage, live food and heat lamps not including he poops outside his cage and the wipes excess sperm over your arm.
wild animals belong in the wild its better if people stick to haveing a dog or a cat ducks goats lambs ect blong on a farm
am i the only one not clicking the like when told or else?
i had a lamb
FYI, regarding tarantulas, they are predators and release a pheromone that keeps other undesirable spiders, (hobos, brown recluse, black widows, etc) away.
I have a duck
We have two turtoise
0:05 and maybe even hamsters as pets sees chinchilla
I had a tortoise once but then I moved so my mum gave it to one of the people that worked with her because they also had tortoises
I’ve seen one Before kingkajou They Run around a lot!?I even got told one
I wish I had a pet tarantula
I love piggy’s ?
What about lambs
I refuse to watch any channels that use threats to get you to watch. Please change your EVIL ways.
i have a hamstre
I didn't know that there were still homing pigeons – thought they were extinct . . .
I have a bird
When he talked about how people get a small breed pig and it grew to be huge I thought of my dog. I could hold my dog in my hands when we took him home and now he is as big as me at 1 year old. Lol
kinkajous are animals that none of us in the Philippines would like to adopt because who in the right mind wants to be infected at a time like this
I’m getting a rabbit soon
Tarantulas don't bite. They are harmless
“The tortoise is a lovely pet”
shows video of tortoise chugging a piece lettuce very angrily.
I'm going to keep a the duck in a pond and it's going to be the most stinky pond because it's going to poop a lot
Sooooooooo Cuuuuuuuuute
I've had a hedgehog and a rabbit and they were the goofiest lil shits ever. i miss em :c
I have a chinchilla any questions just ask me
I currently own 75 Tarantulas
Did you know that Jin from bts has 2 sugar gliders?
The chinchilla was not a big surprise because I saw some at petsmart
I want chickens, but there are laws against chickens and farm animals where I live. 🙁
I thought there were gonna be axolotls…
I have a hamsters
there are some tranchulas species that can live together as long as its from birth/hatch from the egg
⚠️WARNING⚠️ this comment is meant for the wings of fire fans! So be warned if you don’t get this
Who else googled kinkajou and then realized that it’s a real animal?
I'm reporting this channel since you threaten the viewers this isn't a joke dont mess with peoples fears like that
I wanna hedgehog and I almost got a. Suger glider but it was 200$ ?
Almost all footage of the ducks were either wild ducks or clips of geese and swans. Very few domestic ducks shown.
Ducks are different than geese and other waterfowl. Please research your clips better.