
NATURAL DISASTERS this week from 08 – 14 August 2021 Climate changе! disasters 2021 flood
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable Climate Change!, that’s where the power is !!!! ,
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YouTube refused to monetize us because we don't change our videos enough. Therefore, we made the decision to dub the video. Perhaps voice acting will help us get monetization.
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At least a century of mis-managed wildlands, unfettered carbon emissions, pollution, and urban sprawl have all contributed to these disasters. Humans must learn to respect the earth and its inhabitants as living, non-human people the way indigenous peoples did for generations. We can heal the earth if people start caring about it, and if our governments decide they value our planet more than they value corporate profit and greed.
People with all the weather related disasters taking place there is something we can all do that will really make a difference. VOTE GREEN at every level, from the local people who run your city, to governors at the regional levels, and all members of parliament's, senates and also for your president. We are so close to doomed now it is scary, and as we continue to vote for capitalism and corporate profits before all else, one day the disaster will be at your doorstep in the form of an earthquake, fire, flood, or something, as it is in so many places now. NO other party ever does anything for the earth but allow corporations to destroy it for profits. As you can see from this video and so many more like it, we must act now "all of us world wide".
I guess it's the end of the world.
My Angels told me we are going in to a Full Ice Age that will last for over 100,000 plus years. This is why the weather all over the world is out of balance. The Planet is preparing for the Ice Age. My Angels told me it will take 20 years for humans to figure out how to grow food during the freaky weather. The luciferians in positions of power want you to believe they have this kind of power with the weather, not true, they have no such power or ability to control the weather. The luci's can HARRP us the way they did not long ago during this summer of 2021, back when the world was going through a simultaneous heat wave. There is no such thing as a simultaneous heat wave across the planet. That is impossible. The global heat wave was actually HARRP. The luciferians want us to believe there is global warming, not true, there is no global warming. My Angels explained to me the luci's can not run HARRP continuously because it runs out of juice and then it has to be charged up again. It takes a very long time to recharge HARRP, like a year. This bad weather is daily in various parts of the world, HAARP is not able to produce bad weather continuously the way nature has been lately. This is the planet's weather out of balance because we are going in to a Full Ice Age. In 50 years the people in the north will have to relocate further south. In 100 years the Ice Age will be here and no one will be living in the North, as it will be impossible. Lands in the north will become Uninhabitable. It is time to prepare a food and water supply for humans and animals with in your house hold. Prepare for bad weather. Look in to weather proofing your home. Look at your environment, is it safe during bad weather. Are you up against or near a mountain? that is going to produce a land slide after torrential rains? Is there an open path for rushing flood waters to wiz by your home? God bless us all to prepare while we can.
ahh great time to watch the day after tomorrow 🙂
Repent all people and come to Jesus even Now.The world is at an end
God is cleaning the earth
Fools not phals
Për të gjitha katastrofat Natyrore qyqarët e fajsojn Zotin,kurgja spo ndodhë rastësisht, deklarohuni haptas,a po e pranoni DREJTSIN, a po e doni selametin,apo gazepin,KRIJUSI i ka t'gjitha tpa shterrshme, qka po doni,qka po doni ?
My hometown started to rain heavily this week..probably gonna be flood soon
Alle Länder welche werden mitmachen beim Schaden meiner Kinder, werden von Meinem Vater Arm zer schlagen!
Wie ein Krug der voller ist mit Sünde und Übel!
O Menchheit!
Der Zeit der Reinigung ist da!
O ihr Blinde Menschen!
Ihr seht nicht die Zeichen den Endzeit! Den Gnaden Zeit!
O ihr Taupe!
Ihr hört nicht den Storm, der über euch ist!
Wie oft habe ich euch gerufen?!
Wie oft habe ich euch versucht unter Meinem Flügel sammeln?!
Ihr werdet verloren sein, wenn Ich euch zu Mir rufe!
Ohne Vorbereitung werdet ihr vor Meinen Antlitz stehen und eure Zeit wird vergehen!
This happens every year I guess
And no one cares about it once it’s over
Quando deixarem Deus entrar então vai mudar para bem melhor?
Falta Deus em seus corações So isso?
Coments on this kind of channel always have "god this, god blablabla, god that." OMG. They should syndicalize those Gods… Because you know, gods are a escape goat for human fuckery. Poor Gods.
Stupid religious peoples will pray but won't change anything !
This channel
They copy and paste from other channels another videos so that you can watch the stuff over a second and third time so you can be scared poopless…
Thump DOWN
This ain't no Climate Change. This is simply Gods Punishment on a Sinful nation & nations. As he clearly told us he would do. The world has Forgotten about God the Most High. Now a days Any Actor, Singer, Public figure or "Jesus" the son of men. Will serve as a Idol people worship… God sent Jesus to the Lost Sheep of Israel ONLY. He did not sent Jesus to save the sinners of the world. That is a fkn Lie. And if anyone has a little common sense and a Brain. Would understand that fact. As a Man sow, so shall he reap.
Meaning That u get in return what u give or do.
So how can a Jesus intervene Gods Word and save a sinner when God himself is saying that we shall pay for our sins
Yall need to wake up because its already late
Soon it will be too late to Repent
There's only 1 God
In the Word of God; God states He is in charge of the weather. Mankind has nothing to do with it. God is moving towards the Tribulation and He wants to save as many people as possible before it is too late.
This will continue to go on. Yes, it is sad to see and hear; it is heart breaking. But, we live in a world that is sinful and we all need to repent from our sin, asking Lord Jesus to forgive and save us so He can take us home to be with Him forever. Think about….eternal life with Almighty God…no death, no sorrow, no pain, no separation, no hell, no more tears; only peace, harmony, joy, happiness and love. The tribulation is coming and it will terrible. Please turn from your sins before it is too late.
pandemic, flood, fire, wind all over the world at the same time by "natural cause?" I don't think so. Seem more like a global-scaled HAARP attack to me.
Châu chấu, những dòng sông nước chảy như máu, bệnh dịch, hạn han, lủ lụt, các điềm lạ, động đất.. là báo hiệu tận thế
Sắp tận thế lúc 15 giờ
Phản Kito là ĐGH
"Thus says The Lord: Behold, I have judged already, and am come to pass judgment. For I had called to you, O churches of men, saying, “Come out and be separate,” yet you refused Me. As an obstinate child flailing in the midst of a tantrum, so have you refused to obey My voice, neither will you listen. Indeed, you are altogether unable to receive correction. Even as a stubborn ox which sits upon the ground and can not be moved, so are you amongst the churches of men, bullheaded and unmoving.
Therefore, I will release you into the open field, and break up your fallow ground. And of all your finely crafted houses, they shall have no place, for only waste places shall be found… Where there was once laughter, behold, only wailing shall be heard; where there was once great riches, behold, only destitution shall remain; and where great teachers once stood, preaching loudly in My name, polluting it, behold, the sound of a great crash! ABASEMENT! Then silent lamentation, as all your works are burned up in the fire, declares The Lord.
And now you raise your voices against Me once again, with renewed fervor, because of this Word. Thus I shall indeed punish you for all these things, I shall indeed stretch out My hand and break your pride. For as the firm hand of a father humbles a haughty daughter and disciplines an unruly son, so shall I deal with you, O churches of men. For you have surely forsaken Me! Says The Lord.
Beloved, you have forgotten your God, and The Holy One, your Redeemer, has become unrecognizable to you! How then shall you escape?! How then shall you be delivered from all this death, which encompasses you round about? How then shall you hide from the destruction which comes quickly from on high, drawing ever closer to take away your life?
For your ways and your teachings do always contradict sound doctrine. Indeed, your doctrines and traditions profane My holy name, as you further defile yourselves through your acceptance of pagan practices and myths, which have been passed down to you by your forefathers, men who were corrupters and given to corruption, false servants who committed adultery with the pagans and did not wholly separate themselves from the many harlotries of the Catholic Church… I tell you the truth, she shall be torn in pieces!
And yet all you churches of men remain like her, teaching always as doctrine the commandments of men, which has altogether turned you from The Truth. For you profess to know Me, yet by your works you deny Me, being disobedient, abominable, disqualified for every good work. Thus, as it was written of those who rebelled against Me at the first, so it remains concerning you at the last: Your mouths must be stopped. For you have subverted whole households, teaching things which you ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain. For I tell you the truth, you have surely blasphemed the Spirit of God! Says The Lord.
Thus I shall rebuke you sharply for your sins, by which you have rebelled against Me! I shall correct and discipline you for the multitude of your transgressions, by which you have robbed Me! For I have seen in your hearts malice and how you seek to hold others captive, how you hold their sins over their heads and cast judgment, as though it were a hook. Therefore do your sins remain! Therefore must your discipline be severe!
For if I do not punish you for your iniquities, if I do not tear down all your houses and make you very poor and desolate, you can in no wise be joined unto Me, declares The Lord. For I have not forgotten you, nor will I forsake you utterly as the wicked. I will remember you, for I have known you; no, not as you are, but as you will be, when I have broken your pride and brought your haughtiness to the ground, in the day I rob you of all your riches, says The Lord.
Thus says The Lord: Behold, I shall surely establish the line. And all on this side of the line shall be taken. And all on that side shall by no means escape, except through fire and tumult, until pure testimony flows from their lips and death comes to set them free; even as those who at present hold fast to the Testimony of YahuShua HaMashiach, and also keep The Commandments of God, have given up their lives for My sake.
Thus all those who repent shall set themselves apart in that day, and they will keep that which they had forsaken. Yes, they shall honor The Law of The Father, which they had forsaken in My name. Yes, in that day they shall come to testify of Me as I really am! NO MORE shall they pollute My name or the glory of My majesty, in their own names! NO MORE shall they judge their neighbor harshly, with impudent hearts! NO MORE shall they mar My image among the people, by all these detestable doctrines and traditions!
Yes, My beloved, you shall be made new, and all that you were shall pass away in that day. Your vain worship shall cease, and all wickedness shall be purged from the midst of you. And you shall be for Me a testimony and a witness, a great remnant who shall be given a new voice. For I shall put a new song in your mouths and cause your lips to burst forth with praise, even unto pure testimony in My name. And you shall lift up your voices boldly, causing the song to be heard throughout the city, until you fall asleep.
Fear not, for though you die, you shall not sleep at all. For you shall be with Me in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, in the day you give up your life… Having ceased from loving your life in this world, as one who in vain grasps at the wind, keeping it rather unto eternal life, the day your love is made perfect in The Beloved, the day you find solace upon the bosom of your Savior, The One who consoles your heart and wipes away all your tears.
Therefore, I am sending out this last Trumpet before the time, increasing its sound, a final trumpet blast to warn the people, echoing in all the earth until the consummation. For behold, the Day of The Lord is about to overtake you, and the Great and Terrible Day is very near and shall overcome you, says The Lord. Behold, the judgments of God shall rain down from Heaven upon all who offend! For the wine of God’s fury is poured out, full strength, into the chalice of His reckoning, and in His fierce anger He shall surely cause all in the earth to drink from it!
For thus says The Lord: I have indeed drawn the line and set the standard; I have indeed placed it in the midst of all people, says The Lord. And no one shall by any means pass over after the number has been fulfilled, when the first election is established.
For in the days of Noah, there were many mockers and many who pushed out the lip, jeering and laughing, until the day Noah entered the ark and the door was shut. So shall it be with this wicked generation. The door shall be shut, and many shall be left standing outside, without a covering, with no shelter to protect them from the hard rains which are about to descend.
For lo, I tell you a mystery which shall soon be made known: Those who come out before the time, who obey My voice, will pass to one side, and those who refuse to the other; one on this side, and many more to the other. And those who pass over to this side, joining those who remain on this side, shall be plucked up and hidden; yet some shall be replanted and serve. While those who refuse My voice, even to rebel against Me, shall remain on their own part, on the other side of the line which The Lord has drawn, left to endure the plight of their error.
By this is the inner court and the outer court measured. And all found on the outer court shall surely die. For they are left outside, with no way in, though they falsely perceive themselves to be on the inside, with their backs set against the walls, placing all their faith in a house doomed to destruction, soon to be torn down. Yet those who come out from among them shall enter the inner court, though they are seen as outcasts and labeled falsely as heretics by their peers. Yet these shall surely live, escaping all these things which I am about to do, which I shall surely bring upon all the inhabitants of the earth. For indeed many are called, yet few are chosen, says The Lord. Even so, amen.
Come out from among them, and be
Separate from the churches of men!
Touch no more the unclean thing,
And I will receive you! Says The Lord…
Turn away from My voice no longer,
To your own hurt, for the time is ending
And the first of many must be taken;
They must enter in, and the door must be shut;
For judgment shall rain down from
Heaven, filling the entire earth…
Heed the sound of this Trumpet, and come out!
For this is indeed the Trumpet Call of God!…
Says The Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer."
Allah akbar ?
Allah Allah ???
fake, house taken by gangi river is over 2 years ago!
I have't envy this condition.
Dispassionately climate. I like it attitude. Many people are gabby , long-winded,fiddle-faddle and standoffish.
These aren't natural they are man made. God has very little to do with this. Try researching Harrp.
who doing this? Satan?
We are doomed … Even now we have a chance to introspect and make changes
One scripture sums it all up Psalms 148: 8-9 if you had any doubt. It would be to your benefit to read the entire chapter. Chapter 148 and chapter 149. Nothing else needs to be said. As this is the reason for everything. This is why the USA ran out of Afghanistan troops needed home to get ready for this as it starts to cover the entire earth. Spend time with your family make your peace. Lastly Psalms 148:14 the Saint that are on the earth are tired worn out and the people that are currently in Israel are not the true people of Israel they are not the true Jews. OMG people I hope you see what’s happening.
Liked the music…..HATE the narration. Thumbs Down.
If we shift our consciousness to respect and love for our beautiful planet and our fellow humans. if we become like minded and follow a life affirming path, we could turn this around.
It was human who kills human. Like in this pandemic and vaccines. To prevent global warming’s and natures phenomena cause by humans. I hope they don’t kill people because they are not god. They’re human too.
Voice is too loud! And why music? Please take off any music. We want to listen sound of nature
nothing has been done for decades because there were too many trillions to be made from fossil fuels. they spent billions and bribed key scientists to spread disinformation to protect tbeir corporations and this is what its come to. all those complicit should be facing charges. its time the corporations of this world and the bankers and lobbyists and corrupt politicans were brought to heel. all that drives those animals is greed. they care about feathering their own nests and fuck future generations. money=evil. we'll be in a positive feedback cycle by now. carbon dioxide and water vapour feeding each others output until the climate goes beyomg supproting life. greed killed life on tbis planet, make no mistake
We all been lied to! We don’t live in spinning wet rocket ball ? We are immovable! God made a strong beautiful firmament!!! They cannot break the firmament! Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon ??❤️?REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
In the Bible, John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Repent from your sins and seek Jesus. Jesus is Lord!
people become cruel nature become cruel god does not destroy nation until their sins become so much high status .
Para los juicios de condenacion a la tierra, Dios benevolente. Danos oportunidad de redimirnos…?????????