I'm glad that no one died during this, had me so nervous of course
Awesome – do it again!
This video is stolen from another YouTube
300 already know he dont know how to bike just take a look at the way at his foot and it is his fault why fall down he cn even just keep moving but he stopped instead lol
This is literally just stolen from another channel called poor judgement
1:30 which sorta person screams "he's dead!" Before even checking
People should carry parachutes with them
I like when they die
This is my worse nightmare, and its funny seeing people do it who isnt me.
If any of these happened, my mom would just laugh.
"Did you get that on camera" ? yes cause that's more than injuring yourself
All stupid people.. very2 stupid
Does anyone else feel really angry at some of these people? Like what the FUCK are you even doing to end up in this situation? Stop endangering yourselves for no reason!
Where’s the parkour?
Bro this dude literally stole the other video
2:40 instead of saving her they hand her flavoring for water
Play stupid games….win stupid prizes
I hope no one was seriously injured, I guess some of them might’ve brought it on themselves but it’s still a harsh consequence.
Pov: My dog being yeeted by me, myself and I
That was boring, show me a vid where the idiots don’t get back up.
Am I the only one who finds all of this video funny?
fall in snow is ok
3:44 falls 200 feet
“Thank you”
I'm glad that no one died during this, had me so nervous of course
Awesome – do it again!
This video is stolen from another YouTube
300 already know he dont know how to bike just take a look at the way at his foot and it is his fault why fall down he cn even just keep moving but he stopped instead lol
This is literally just stolen from another channel called poor judgement
1:30 which sorta person screams "he's dead!" Before even checking
People should carry parachutes with them
I like when they die
This is my worse nightmare, and its funny seeing people do it who isnt me.
If any of these happened, my mom would just laugh.
"Did you get that on camera" ? yes cause that's more than injuring yourself
All stupid people.. very2 stupid
Does anyone else feel really angry at some of these people? Like what the FUCK are you even doing to end up in this situation? Stop endangering yourselves for no reason!
Where’s the parkour?
Bro this dude literally stole the other video
2:40 instead of saving her they hand her flavoring for water
What a bunch of d#mb@ss??
POV: Michael, Franklin, Trevor
"Oh I can survive all of dat"
This isn’t parkour but ok
screams are louder than the falls.
This is actually acrophobia
This video is to painfull to watch
Wasn’t even parkour
I used to think in the coyote Petterson clip that the girl screaming was just being dramatic… I still think that
Ohhhhhhhhhh shet!!!!
This is the physical embodiment of those dreams where you're falling