That salt water croc with no leg is alive and well in Australia … why are youdoimg fake news you padeophille
The big Pig was a good effigy but not real. Most of these shots are still shots so we cannot tell if they are alive. Others presented as large are just Magnified. Nothing in a lot of these shots to give an order of Scale. Click-Bait Phonies!
This os big because the are big and so big?????????
Cane toads are also in Queensland, Australia. Need to give all info not just half
I love sandhill cranes.
dude that is not olong the crock is in philpines this boat toure is down under in australia dude i seen that crock hes leg whase bit of by a shark go
Flesh taste like goo, what does goo taste like?
What's wrong with da pig's snout in da first pic?!!! How da HECK does it BREATHE? WHERE DA NOSTRILZ? WHERE?!
notice the two different Shadow angles of the "Cow" and the old man !?! like on the faked Moon Landing
Annoying to the Nth°
On #18 the shadows don't match. Photoshop?.
??? The majority of them weren't animals ???
I didn't know that a giant gators shoulder was so important.
Andean Condors have a larger wingspan (10 ft 10 inches) and can weigh 33 lbs so the Cinereous Vulture is not quite correct as being the largest bird of prey.
But Condors are bigger.
sorry idont eat fishofanykind
?! wow. just… wow.
FYI a vulture is a scavenger not a bird of prey
Obese American found at McDonald's isn't #1?
That girl beside the hog is probably 4' tall! One thing you can be sure of — HUGE is rarely a long-life characteristic, but they never tell you that! USUALLY, there is something radically wrong with over-grown animals, people included!
Most of the pictures are fotoshoped
Number 1 escargot anyone?
Number 8 they caught Patrick… huhu spongebob where are you?
Add Hercules the liger
It's so weird hearing my voice from 2016… compared to now… haha
Do your research !! Look your stuff up !!
the frst one was okja
The giant crocodile pic is a fake I was in Darwin Australia when it was made.
Did anyone see a picture of a human on #10 on jelly fish
2 suns in the bull photo? The shadows go in two different directions.. fake! The croc photo is a fake too.
1000 subs challenge no video hype
i like birds
That salt water croc with no leg is alive and well in Australia … why are youdoimg fake news you padeophille
The big Pig was a good effigy but not real. Most of these shots are still shots so we cannot tell if they are alive. Others presented as large are just Magnified. Nothing in a lot of these shots to give an order of Scale. Click-Bait Phonies!
This os big because the are big and so big?????????
Cane toads are also in Queensland, Australia. Need to give all info not just half
I love sandhill cranes.
dude that is not olong the crock is in philpines this boat toure is down under in australia dude i seen that crock hes leg whase bit of by a shark go
Flesh taste like goo, what does goo taste like?
What's wrong with da pig's snout in da first pic?!!! How da HECK does it BREATHE? WHERE DA NOSTRILZ? WHERE?!
notice the two different Shadow angles of the "Cow" and the old man !?! like on the faked Moon Landing
Annoying to the Nth°
On #18 the shadows don't match. Photoshop?.
??? The majority of them weren't animals ???
I didn't know that a giant gators shoulder was so important.
Andean Condors have a larger wingspan (10 ft 10 inches) and can weigh 33 lbs so the Cinereous Vulture is not quite correct as being the largest bird of prey.
But Condors are bigger.
sorry idont eat fishofanykind
?! wow. just… wow.
FYI a vulture is a scavenger not a bird of prey
Obese American found at McDonald's isn't #1?
That girl beside the hog is probably 4' tall! One thing you can be sure of — HUGE is rarely a long-life characteristic, but they never tell you that! USUALLY, there is something radically wrong with over-grown animals, people included!
Most of the pictures are fotoshoped
Number 1 escargot anyone?
Number 8 they caught Patrick… huhu spongebob where are you?
The number 12 looks like a giant siomai.. ? yum
#6 —> Condors are bigger.
Just knowing that that crab exists makes me want to kill myself
Zeus the Great Dane is seriously underfed and that's sad! Get that boy some goat's milk and get him healthy! I'm appalled ?
amazing what you can do with photoshop
There was a croc in north qld that got shot in 1950 that was 28ft
Bullshit. A pig the size of a hippopotamus. No. Thumbs down for trying to pass off doctored photos as real.
The geezer talking is pissing me off the way he talks
this has to be fake
these are kinda freaky