Cute Puppies Doing Funny Things 2021 #1 Cutest Dogs

Cute Puppies Doing Funny Things 2021 #1 Cutest Dogs
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Note: Clips featured in our compilations are used with permission from the original creators. If you’ve got an adorable video you want to see featured in our next compilation, please send us your video! More details in the “About” section of our channel ?

#Puppies #Dogs #Animals


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About the Author: Cutest Puppies City


  1. It drives me nuts when u can't see the last clip or two because the videos suggested to watch next are blocking it. They shouldn't come up til the video actually ends.

  2. 1:20 It's so cute how the pup is just holding on to the guy's arm n 1:27 I've seen alot of videos lately of pups scaling n getting out of their crates/enclosures when there's no top but this one is impressive because it's not just the metal crate/cage-there's a plastic inner coating so it would be harder to climb than just putting his paws on the metal lines to climb

  3. Puppies love those fake eyelashes! Lol. But now every time I see a dog or puppy bite someone's false eyelashes it reminds me of a story I saw where a girl had her eyelid ripped off by the lash technician's Chihuahua n surgically repaired. Since I've seen the pics I can't unsee them now.

  4. hey where are the puppies please tell me I want to adopt 1 of them male pup I am from chhatisgarh kawardha joratal jail road housing board colony Lig 11

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