These puppies are so cute! See how delicate fluffy lumps they are. And each of the puppies already has its own character.
Instagram of their mom https://instagram.com/kvmarishkahuskies
The cute puppies scared the adults Yuki and Monty. They probably thought that now this fluffy sweetness will live with us. You know how puppies go into all the holes. For an adult husky, Yuki, this is a very serious test.
We spent two hours with these little likes. And then they drove back to their husky mom.
We still have a lot of footage. So stay tuned for the news.
Want more videos featuring three charming huskies?
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More funny videos on the channel North Yuki
Husky puppies get acquainted with adult dogs | Cute Puppy videos https://youtu.be/JgIigDH0UAo
Funny Huskies Reaction to husky puppies | Husky vs Puppy https://youtu.be/lu9JROhvGjU
Husky meets new husky puppies!!! The funniest reaction! Part 3 https://youtu.be/9UlNZMhLTBM
#husky #huskypuppies #northyuki
It was such a lovely day! I'm sorry Yuki didn't appreciate it. I thought she would be more gentle to babies. ?
So cute ? husky’s , how to you got husky puppy ? so cute ?
omg am crazyyyy for them cuteness???????
The puppies are adorable! Your huskies reactions are hilarious ? ? ?
Oh my, so much cuteness! The puppies are adorable and so are Monty and Yuki ?
omg they're so cute!? We want them all ???
Спасибо за прекрасное, доброе видео. Столько нежности, любви. А малышка что была у Вас на руках и Монти рядышком ну просто сама нежность, мне даже показалось что эта маленькая Сага у Вас на руках….
Юки думает… опять…? ? ?, а Монти наверное ее поддерживает, у нас все дома, нам никого не надо? ? ?
Малыши-Милаши! Юки-Бяка! Монти-сам Щеночек!
Ha sido muy bonito ver a lis bebés ? MONTY es más abierto y da el paso de acercarse?.Yuki huye?
А чего у Монти слюни текут?)) Там в нескольких местах на видео когда нюхал щенков)