Rescue Mini Baby Bulldog Was Surrendered Because Her Eye Needs To Be Removed

Rescue Mini Baby Bulldog Was Surrendered Because Her Eye Needs To Be Removed
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Rescue Mini Baby Bulldog Was Surrendered Because Her Eye Needs To Be Removed
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1/ NorCal Bully Breed Rescue

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About the Author: Animal Rescue Supporter


  1. There are many cute pups in the world. But few are more adorable than a roly-poly squishy wrinkly smoochable little English Bully pup! Please dear Forever Family, adopt this little angel soon.?X?O?X?O?X?O?

  2. Would love to adopt her..Have a great vet & near a emergency animal hospital..I'm a stay at home wife so I will be with her at home.

  3. That is a general side affect with this
    Bread. Most Bulldogs as you know have deformity. But looks arent all about friendship..

  4. Surrendered animals because of health needs is a cowardly pathetic move and they don’t the unconditional LOVE PETS GIVE !! I’m so Grateful there are hero’s like you !! It will find a family that cares….

  5. I would take her and love her so very much she’s an angel bless her heart ❤️ I love the “ get out of jail “ that’s so cute ! ?

  6. She's so adorable with or without an eye,i would definitely adopt her if i had the capability..i wish someone will adopt her soon,Bless All ?❤️?

  7. What kind of people are these ive wanted a bulldog all my life .Snd they csnt tske a puppy who hasone bad eye that resllt horrible i hope she gets a home well she is besuitful lottie is so cute God bless her snd her fsmily donns from vegas

  8. She's so cute and she will still be cute without the eye. Who can afford bulldogs but can't be bothered to help them?! People are disgusting ?

  9. Oh gosh!! I would definitely rescue this beautiful pup. Idk what is wrong with people. Tysm for sharing and rescues ❣

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