We’ve all been in a situation where suddenly a random dog shows up and starts barking at us for some reason, leaving you to wonder…why me? Do I smell like cats? Sausages? Am I this particular dog’s sworn enemy and I didn’t even know? But most of the time dogs are just being friendly and will quickly find something more interesting, or indeed get called back by their owner – but what about other animals that just go nuts for no obvious reason? From the rhino who decided to obliterate a car to the hippo who flew into a rage with a massive cape buffalo, here’s the 15 angriest animals that appeared out of nowhere!
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Now king cobra vs mongoose is more believable because they both live in the desert area
Your voice and commentary is very irritating
rare topic
Siberian tigers share habitat with Brown <grizzly>Bears in Russia
The picture of the gorilla and the lion looks utterly fake
Hippos don't need a reason to be angry. You could breathe in the wrong direction and it'll piss em off.
I was attacked by 2 random dogs while visiting a cabin in up state MN. My mutt of a dog named Muffy took them both on, allowing me to run for help. Muffy had been bit several times, but managed to survive . I loved that dog RIP Muffy!!
Pictures fake it's obvious ..your looseing credibility posting bull shine
I have had enough of these posts that should be a one minute narrative but drags out for 10 an shows noting substantive to support the cloc bate. You tube should punt these idiots!
#raretopic gorilla has small pee pee ?
i call bullshit on the lion and gorilla
The cornyest, weakest, video I have seen.
Your question "We’ve all been in a situation where suddenly a random dog shows up and starts barking at us for some reason, leaving you to wonder…why me?" Dogs are pack animals and the barking is communicating to their fellow 'pack' members (can be four legged or two legged) of your presence.
Imagine that, taking a photoshopped picture of an ape and a lion in the wild.
No, I get along great with animals, only people that are a..holes
The rabbit is probably wanting something to eat
All birds are dinosaurs
let me tell you rabbits can be mean! lol! Especially the little dutch dwarves like this one. Anyone who has raised rabbits can tell you the males bite and kick and scratch like crazy! But there are many that are so tame and sweet! I personally didnt care for this breed.
That's a fake chopped photo
15:00 – I disagree, I DID think of rabbit when thinking of 'angry animals can be dangerous'. After all, Monty taught me about the killer rabbit of Caerbernog can strike fear into knights in full armor.
But wait why do you not showing what's happening what is the point of this video
Son of a gun! The giraffes.
Guys, what utter bullshit, please reaserch before making crazy claims, ppl eat Swan mean in England, every single Swan in the UK is personal property of the Queen, there protected you can get the death penalty for just bothering hrm,s swan's, that's an actual fact, not just made up off the top of my head, can I get any of the English viewrs 2 cent on you all eating Swan meat..apart from that's discussing Swan is a big tough bird I can't imagine they taste any good, especially when your chqncing your life to do so ..
Lion and Gorilla pic is impossible. Their habitats never cross and never will as they live in entirely different ecosystems.
Gorilla wins…
Madagascar has made people forget how dangerous a giraffe can be if threatened
The brown bear and the Siberian tiger often fight one another over territory and resources in Siberia. The tiger and bear live side by side in the Amur Forest. Something like 55-60% of these instances the Tiger will be the winner from what I've been told.
Stop saying something will happen if we don't hit the like button. It's stupid and some could believe it.
⚔️A really fine documentary?Ur vocal variation has all the attributes, to keep me entertained; during all the animal dramas. I never want to leave home now,with all those ferocious & dangerous beasts, on the prowl for fresh flesh?
Welp if Darwin tought us anything is you attack the apex you die they should have just killed the damn animals. We go hard on earth