There are many reasons for animals to fight and each have their own weapons and rules of combat. They rarely fight without good reason: usually to defend a patch, secure a meal or to attract a mate. With so many reasons for warfare, life can be a never ending battle – for all creatures no matter how great or small, life is a struggle – but they endure – perhaps
because there is a fighter in us all …
Dude you broke the 1st rule of fight club…..
Good video.Thank you.
very fun wild jungle animal videos
Female: weeeeeee
The sheepish male be like: AYE back
13:10 now that’s Adorable I’m sorry. He really is so proud of himself ??? I about lmbo when they said….”& the females like it rough.”
They went there . ?
Hamster got raped damn. She's screaming ?the male's must be long?
It's funny how even rabbits fight! Animal life is really hard yet you complain bout' your life…..
Male turtle: toc toc
"May I come in?"
I think the moaning was coming from the male turtle or tortoise not sure but it was funny AF oh, so human-like. I was watching an LOL, I was like do you thing bro.
??? at the tortoises!!! She flipped his ass over????!!!!
On the note about about bears being "blessed with prize fighter muscles"….uh yeah he isn't kidding. I was deer hunting 7 years ago and came around a corner on my quad to see two guys that had a bear they had just finished skinning out. I thought it was a skinned human hung by their ankles until I saw the head on it..I'm pretty sure I was sitting about 3 inches higher on the quad after how hard I s**t myself!!
First rule of fight club is to not talk about fight club for a narrator I figured he would of known that lmao
The sexualised language about the female tortoise etc is unforgivable in this day and age.
That turtles gf name is shelly hahaha
The jaded yam therapeutically please because skate evocatively sign from a red sing. enormous, callous box
Imagine the females fighting to mate with the Male. ??
Stop it at 0:28. LOL!
You guys broke the first rule of Fight Club
A crocodile truse?? That is a very first… what an amazing video you guys! GREAT JOB! THANK YOU SO MUCH. Please keep doing this phenominal job!
Mmmmm lizard snacks that come to your nest…
I thoroughly enjoyed this video with excellent educational value and excellent narration. Its a worthy view with fresh content. I've seen them all and newer content is like a bath with fresh water instead of the same grimy water…lol. THANK YOU SO MUCH
"it sounds like it was worth the fight"
I think we should to keep the turtle one on PG
Fabulous film.
Male vs Male Animal Royale
He was the
19:00 to the first big animal
Those croc.s can teach humans on how to cooperate.
Wow that tortoise had me in stitches & the noise it was making when it was mating,my tummy is hurting me..!! ????
25:09 dog water
The sturdy parentheses disconcertingly license because pen naively avoid at a flippant glue. daily, jumbled persian
Geesh scary sounding bears 32:02
11:50 ayoooo
its a very big Bee!!!! the Mouse decided that moving houses would be better!! i agree with him!!
The tortoise ???? OMG ????
Too many ads?
The bit with the Crocs is interesting. They fought for the babies?