#Mercy: Natural disasters caught on camera, climate change: Disaster August 14. Breaking news about bad weather. Earth’s pain will cleanse the Planet from the humanity. In the world in a day about severe nature. Catastrophes are here and now. Global warming is not far off.
Tsunami danger! Horrible M7.4 earthquake hits Haiti, Port-au-Prince
A 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the west of Haiti with an epicenter about 125 kilometers (77 miles) west of the capital, Port-au-Prince. It is reported by the US Geological Survey. According to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center, the epicenter was located at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), 40 km (25 miles) from the Le Quet commune in the south of the country. According to AFP, the country’s authorities are aware of at least 227 people lost in the disaster.
According to the Associated Press, Prime Minister Ariel Henry said the massive earthquake caused damage in various parts of the country. He pledged to mobilize all available government resources to help those affected and urged residents to unite to face the dramatic situation. Many buildings were destroyed, rescuers continue to search for people under the rubble.
According to Listín Diario, Haiti was also hit by the second earthquake in 24 hours, with a magnitude of 5,2. Schools, churches and other buildings were destroyed. Experts do not exclude the occurrence of a tsunami with waves up to three meters.
Haiti still hasn’t fully recovered from the devastating 2010 earthquake, which affected more than 200,000 people. Material damage was estimated at 5.6 billion euros, the disaster destroyed almost the entire infrastructure and economy. Earlier, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 occurred off the coast of Alaska. It was recorded 117 kilometers (72 miles) southeast of Perryville, the outbreak was located at a depth of 21 kilometers (13 miles)
The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, volcanic eruption, mudflow, landslide, landfall, avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding;
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire, Glass Fire, Wildfire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Hail, Hurricane, Storm, Thunderstorm, typhoon, Tempest, Lightning.
If you find any improper use of your copyrighted content (videos, photos and music) in the video, please contact us by e-mail specified in the “about the channel” tab.
ATTENTION: Video material is taken from social networks. It is selected by date of publication, title, description and location of the event. Sometimes, due to unscrupulous posting of news on social networks, the video may contain fragments that do not correspond to the date and place. It is not always possible to check their reliability. Thank you for your understanding.
#weather #news #earthquake #tsunami #climatechange #rain #port-au-prince #haiti #earthquake #tsunami #sismo #haitiearthquake #haititsunami
Do on to others as u want them to do to u.word of advice to haitian.change is needed not in GOD favour.
It is never too late believe jesus christ and call upon his name you will be saved l too live in a small is land and many years before our island was devasted by severe cyclones every year since many people in our island Mauritius have rejected their false god made by the hands of man and have accepted jesus as our saviour and lord and we have repented from our sins and lead a daily prayer life we are protected by the mighty hand of god whenever we learn that acyclone is approaching our tropical island we the church of jesus christ we pray earnestly over it and the next day through radio and telvision we learn that cyclone has changed its direction and has moved to the sea just we are being protected by the grace of god
قوة الله
Allah yardım etsin çok kötü be
"Thus says The Lord: Behold, I have judged already, and am come to pass judgment. For I had called to you, O churches of men, saying, “Come out and be separate,” yet you refused Me. As an obstinate child flailing in the midst of a tantrum, so have you refused to obey My voice, neither will you listen. Indeed, you are altogether unable to receive correction. Even as a stubborn ox which sits upon the ground and can not be moved, so are you amongst the churches of men, bullheaded and unmoving.
Therefore, I will release you into the open field, and break up your fallow ground. And of all your finely crafted houses, they shall have no place, for only waste places shall be found… Where there was once laughter, behold, only wailing shall be heard; where there was once great riches, behold, only destitution shall remain; and where great teachers once stood, preaching loudly in My name, polluting it, behold, the sound of a great crash! ABASEMENT! Then silent lamentation, as all your works are burned up in the fire, declares The Lord.
And now you raise your voices against Me once again, with renewed fervor, because of this Word. Thus I shall indeed punish you for all these things, I shall indeed stretch out My hand and break your pride. For as the firm hand of a father humbles a haughty daughter and disciplines an unruly son, so shall I deal with you, O churches of men. For you have surely forsaken Me! Says The Lord.
Beloved, you have forgotten your God, and The Holy One, your Redeemer, has become unrecognizable to you! How then shall you escape?! How then shall you be delivered from all this death, which encompasses you round about? How then shall you hide from the destruction which comes quickly from on high, drawing ever closer to take away your life?
For your ways and your teachings do always contradict sound doctrine. Indeed, your doctrines and traditions profane My holy name, as you further defile yourselves through your acceptance of pagan practices and myths, which have been passed down to you by your forefathers, men who were corrupters and given to corruption, false servants who committed adultery with the pagans and did not wholly separate themselves from the many harlotries of the Catholic Church… I tell you the truth, she shall be torn in pieces!
And yet all you churches of men remain like her, teaching always as doctrine the commandments of men, which has altogether turned you from The Truth. For you profess to know Me, yet by your works you deny Me, being disobedient, abominable, disqualified for every good work. Thus, as it was written of those who rebelled against Me at the first, so it remains concerning you at the last: Your mouths must be stopped. For you have subverted whole households, teaching things which you ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain. For I tell you the truth, you have surely blasphemed the Spirit of God! Says The Lord.
Thus I shall rebuke you sharply for your sins, by which you have rebelled against Me! I shall correct and discipline you for the multitude of your transgressions, by which you have robbed Me! For I have seen in your hearts malice and how you seek to hold others captive, how you hold their sins over their heads and cast judgment, as though it were a hook. Therefore do your sins remain! Therefore must your discipline be severe!
For if I do not punish you for your iniquities, if I do not tear down all your houses and make you very poor and desolate, you can in no wise be joined unto Me, declares The Lord. For I have not forgotten you, nor will I forsake you utterly as the wicked. I will remember you, for I have known you; no, not as you are, but as you will be, when I have broken your pride and brought your haughtiness to the ground, in the day I rob you of all your riches, says The Lord.
Thus says The Lord: Behold, I shall surely establish the line. And all on this side of the line shall be taken. And all on that side shall by no means escape, except through fire and tumult, until pure testimony flows from their lips and death comes to set them free; even as those who at present hold fast to the Testimony of YahuShua HaMashiach, and also keep The Commandments of God, have given up their lives for My sake.
Thus all those who repent shall set themselves apart in that day, and they will keep that which they had forsaken. Yes, they shall honor The Law of The Father, which they had forsaken in My name. Yes, in that day they shall come to testify of Me as I really am! NO MORE shall they pollute My name or the glory of My majesty, in their own names! NO MORE shall they judge their neighbor harshly, with impudent hearts! NO MORE shall they mar My image among the people, by all these detestable doctrines and traditions!
Yes, My beloved, you shall be made new, and all that you were shall pass away in that day. Your vain worship shall cease, and all wickedness shall be purged from the midst of you. And you shall be for Me a testimony and a witness, a great remnant who shall be given a new voice. For I shall put a new song in your mouths and cause your lips to burst forth with praise, even unto pure testimony in My name. And you shall lift up your voices boldly, causing the song to be heard throughout the city, until you fall asleep.
Fear not, for though you die, you shall not sleep at all. For you shall be with Me in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, in the day you give up your life… Having ceased from loving your life in this world, as one who in vain grasps at the wind, keeping it rather unto eternal life, the day your love is made perfect in The Beloved, the day you find solace upon the bosom of your Savior, The One who consoles your heart and wipes away all your tears.
Therefore, I am sending out this last Trumpet before the time, increasing its sound, a final trumpet blast to warn the people, echoing in all the earth until the consummation. For behold, the Day of The Lord is about to overtake you, and the Great and Terrible Day is very near and shall overcome you, says The Lord. Behold, the judgments of God shall rain down from Heaven upon all who offend! For the wine of God’s fury is poured out, full strength, into the chalice of His reckoning, and in His fierce anger He shall surely cause all in the earth to drink from it!
For thus says The Lord: I have indeed drawn the line and set the standard; I have indeed placed it in the midst of all people, says The Lord. And no one shall by any means pass over after the number has been fulfilled, when the first election is established.
For in the days of Noah, there were many mockers and many who pushed out the lip, jeering and laughing, until the day Noah entered the ark and the door was shut. So shall it be with this wicked generation. The door shall be shut, and many shall be left standing outside, without a covering, with no shelter to protect them from the hard rains which are about to descend.
For lo, I tell you a mystery which shall soon be made known: Those who come out before the time, who obey My voice, will pass to one side, and those who refuse to the other; one on this side, and many more to the other. And those who pass over to this side, joining those who remain on this side, shall be plucked up and hidden; yet some shall be replanted and serve. While those who refuse My voice, even to rebel against Me, shall remain on their own part, on the other side of the line which The Lord has drawn, left to endure the plight of their error.
By this is the inner court and the outer court measured. And all found on the outer court shall surely die. For they are left outside, with no way in, though they falsely perceive themselves to be on the inside, with their backs set against the walls, placing all their faith in a house doomed to destruction, soon to be torn down. Yet those who come out from among them shall enter the inner court, though they are seen as outcasts and labeled falsely as heretics by their peers. Yet these shall surely live, escaping all these things which I am about to do, which I shall surely bring upon all the inhabitants of the earth. For indeed many are called, yet few are chosen, says The Lord. Even so, amen.
Come out from among them, and be
Separate from the churches of men!
Touch no more the unclean thing,
And I will receive you! Says The Lord…
Turn away from My voice no longer,
To your own hurt, for the time is ending
And the first of many must be taken;
They must enter in, and the door must be shut;
For judgment shall rain down from
Heaven, filling the entire earth…
Heed the sound of this Trumpet, and come out!
For this is indeed the Trumpet Call of God!…
Says The Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer."
"Thus says The Lord: Behold, I have judged already, and am come to pass judgment. For I had called to you, O churches of men, saying, “Come out and be separate,” yet you refused Me. As an obstinate child flailing in the midst of a tantrum, so have you refused to obey My voice, neither will you listen. Indeed, you are altogether unable to receive correction. Even as a stubborn ox which sits upon the ground and can not be moved, so are you amongst the churches of men, bullheaded and unmoving.
Therefore, I will release you into the open field, and break up your fallow ground. And of all your finely crafted houses, they shall have no place, for only waste places shall be found… Where there was once laughter, behold, only wailing shall be heard; where there was once great riches, behold, only destitution shall remain; and where great teachers once stood, preaching loudly in My name, polluting it, behold, the sound of a great crash! ABASEMENT! Then silent lamentation, as all your works are burned up in the fire, declares The Lord.
And now you raise your voices against Me once again, with renewed fervor, because of this Word. Thus I shall indeed punish you for all these things, I shall indeed stretch out My hand and break your pride. For as the firm hand of a father humbles a haughty daughter and disciplines an unruly son, so shall I deal with you, O churches of men. For you have surely forsaken Me! Says The Lord.
Beloved, you have forgotten your God, and The Holy One, your Redeemer, has become unrecognizable to you! How then shall you escape?! How then shall you be delivered from all this death, which encompasses you round about? How then shall you hide from the destruction which comes quickly from on high, drawing ever closer to take away your life?
For your ways and your teachings do always contradict sound doctrine. Indeed, your doctrines and traditions profane My holy name, as you further defile yourselves through your acceptance of pagan practices and myths, which have been passed down to you by your forefathers, men who were corrupters and given to corruption, false servants who committed adultery with the pagans and did not wholly separate themselves from the many harlotries of the Catholic Church… I tell you the truth, she shall be torn in pieces!
And yet all you churches of men remain like her, teaching always as doctrine the commandments of men, which has altogether turned you from The Truth. For you profess to know Me, yet by your works you deny Me, being disobedient, abominable, disqualified for every good work. Thus, as it was written of those who rebelled against Me at the first, so it remains concerning you at the last: Your mouths must be stopped. For you have subverted whole households, teaching things which you ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain. For I tell you the truth, you have surely blasphemed the Spirit of God! Says The Lord.
Thus I shall rebuke you sharply for your sins, by which you have rebelled against Me! I shall correct and discipline you for the multitude of your transgressions, by which you have robbed Me! For I have seen in your hearts malice and how you seek to hold others captive, how you hold their sins over their heads and cast judgment, as though it were a hook. Therefore do your sins remain! Therefore must your discipline be severe!
For if I do not punish you for your iniquities, if I do not tear down all your houses and make you very poor and desolate, you can in no wise be joined unto Me, declares The Lord. For I have not forgotten you, nor will I forsake you utterly as the wicked. I will remember you, for I have known you; no, not as you are, but as you will be, when I have broken your pride and brought your haughtiness to the ground, in the day I rob you of all your riches, says The Lord.
Thus says The Lord: Behold, I shall surely establish the line. And all on this side of the line shall be taken. And all on that side shall by no means escape, except through fire and tumult, until pure testimony flows from their lips and death comes to set them free; even as those who at present hold fast to the Testimony of YahuShua HaMashiach, and also keep The Commandments of God, have given up their lives for My sake.
Thus all those who repent shall set themselves apart in that day, and they will keep that which they had forsaken. Yes, they shall honor The Law of The Father, which they had forsaken in My name. Yes, in that day they shall come to testify of Me as I really am! NO MORE shall they pollute My name or the glory of My majesty, in their own names! NO MORE shall they judge their neighbor harshly, with impudent hearts! NO MORE shall they mar My image among the people, by all these detestable doctrines and traditions!
Yes, My beloved, you shall be made new, and all that you were shall pass away in that day. Your vain worship shall cease, and all wickedness shall be purged from the midst of you. And you shall be for Me a testimony and a witness, a great remnant who shall be given a new voice. For I shall put a new song in your mouths and cause your lips to burst forth with praise, even unto pure testimony in My name. And you shall lift up your voices boldly, causing the song to be heard throughout the city, until you fall asleep.
Fear not, for though you die, you shall not sleep at all. For you shall be with Me in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, in the day you give up your life… Having ceased from loving your life in this world, as one who in vain grasps at the wind, keeping it rather unto eternal life, the day your love is made perfect in The Beloved, the day you find solace upon the bosom of your Savior, The One who consoles your heart and wipes away all your tears.
Therefore, I am sending out this last Trumpet before the time, increasing its sound, a final trumpet blast to warn the people, echoing in all the earth until the consummation. For behold, the Day of The Lord is about to overtake you, and the Great and Terrible Day is very near and shall overcome you, says The Lord. Behold, the judgments of God shall rain down from Heaven upon all who offend! For the wine of God’s fury is poured out, full strength, into the chalice of His reckoning, and in His fierce anger He shall surely cause all in the earth to drink from it!
For thus says The Lord: I have indeed drawn the line and set the standard; I have indeed placed it in the midst of all people, says The Lord. And no one shall by any means pass over after the number has been fulfilled, when the first election is established.
For in the days of Noah, there were many mockers and many who pushed out the lip, jeering and laughing, until the day Noah entered the ark and the door was shut. So shall it be with this wicked generation. The door shall be shut, and many shall be left standing outside, without a covering, with no shelter to protect them from the hard rains which are about to descend.
For lo, I tell you a mystery which shall soon be made known: Those who come out before the time, who obey My voice, will pass to one side, and those who refuse to the other; one on this side, and many more to the other. And those who pass over to this side, joining those who remain on this side, shall be plucked up and hidden; yet some shall be replanted and serve. While those who refuse My voice, even to rebel against Me, shall remain on their own part, on the other side of the line which The Lord has drawn, left to endure the plight of their error.
By this is the inner court and the outer court measured. And all found on the outer court shall surely die. For they are left outside, with no way in, though they falsely perceive themselves to be on the inside, with their backs set against the walls, placing all their faith in a house doomed to destruction, soon to be torn down. Yet those who come out from among them shall enter the inner court, though they are seen as outcasts and labeled falsely as heretics by their peers. Yet these shall surely live, escaping all these things which I am about to do, which I shall surely bring upon all the inhabitants of the earth. For indeed many are called, yet few are chosen, says The Lord. Even so, amen.
Come out from among them, and be
Separate from the churches of men!
Touch no more the unclean thing,
And I will receive you! Says The Lord…
Turn away from My voice no longer,
To your own hurt, for the time is ending
And the first of many must be taken;
They must enter in, and the door must be shut;
For judgment shall rain down from
Heaven, filling the entire earth…
Heed the sound of this Trumpet, and come out!
For this is indeed the Trumpet Call of God!…
Says The Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer."
I would like to know who are y'all worshiping over there seems the Almighty God is angry and are y'all worshiping idols we are not supposed to do that because he's a jealous God and we are nothing suppose to put anything before him Halleluyah and I mean ❤️ nothing shalom.
People think this stuff is going to stop but this is going to continue to occur more and more because the Lord is shaking up the earth and the heavens because the sin lays so heavy upon it and I'm not telling no story he woke me up in a dream I was in prayer fasting and quiet time he took me to scripture to the power of the Holy Spirit and he said meditate on it I'm going to give you scripture concerning to what I was talking about in that dream Plus in prayer and he took Hebrews 12 verse 25 through 29 Haggai 2 vs 6
Sigan practicando el budu,
Ojalá se puedan escapar los colombianos
HAARP ! Les démons sont à l'oeuvre pour tout détruire avec ce corona. C'est horrible ! ???
Ce peuple est très fort, bon courage.
Сообщали, что на них ещё надвигается тропический шторм.
Leí la descripción del vídeo y es bastante confusa . Cómo siempre mezclan cambio climático con calentamiento global . Y que tiene que ver las emisiones de CO2 con los terremotos ?? Nada pero así nos lo muestran para confundir
Катаклизмы синхронизируются по всей планете. Истинные причины этого, угрозы для человечества озвучены на международной конференции ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ КРИЗИС. ЭТО УЖЕ КАСАЕТСЯ КАЖДОГО. Сегодня каждому человеку на планете необходимо знать это. Но СМИ молчат или продолжают вещать о СО2 и антропогенном влиянии. Только сами люди, объединившись, могут изменить ход событий
International conference GLOBAL CRISIS. THIS ALREADY APPLIES TO EVERYONE. The truth causes, threats and possible solutions for the humanity. Today every person on the planet needs to know this, but the media are silent
Jesus está voltando Maranata ora vem senhor Jesus Cristo!
Oh. Estos son los. Juicios del.señor x tanta brujería. Y satanismo. De Haití Jehová reprende estas obras hatii arrepiente y busca a Jehová
Deus lhes abençoe. Deus vos vê.
227 hilang?..ini magic/sihir Yang nyata gayezzzz tetiberrr boleh hilang Kan?..next,ingatkan kena serang ngan zionis tadi gayezzzz
I better go and get myself a tent and install it in the back yard and move out of the house into the tent…..i would feel safer in times of these disasters may God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit take control from A to Z of this horrific disastrous heart wrenching situation Lord have mercy ….whats next?????
Mon couer est pour voux, Heiti peuple..
Santo Deus abençoe vocês…?️?️?️
Lord plz help our pple