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All this is doing is showing how unorganized this chaos really is. This social media gang shyt is the best soap opera of our time.
"On piru 60s is my home"
– Wackashi 100 ?
Pride comes before a fool/fall… ?
They trolling and wack falling for the bait ???
He sound just like 69 ?”cringes” ?????
Man. This a dumb fuckn convo
Wack 100 is using 6’9 embarrassing and exposing East Coast Bloods for even vouching and recruiting ? brite!! Wack does not respect them as Damu’s and is sees 6’9 as a civilian and him telling was karma!! Wack is going to use 6’9 how TrayWay should have used him lol
Wack 100 u boofy on elm st ? u talk too much fonk
These are grown men……..
Are these grown men? And what are they bickering about?
See them the locs that should have been around nip ??♂️
Now i just wanna see wack get knock out
Wack the Tall Midget just took over From 50 cent as the internet Gangster with the most Talking about scrapping..lol
that guy is not from 60s
Wack100 you embarassing smh
Dude your Chanel got more adds then a lil bit smfh
??Blessings forever
GOD loves y'all too forever tell everyone you know and don't know. Jesus loves y'all too forever. Teach everyone how to see and enjoy their blessings too forever
You can't cash app 2 bands!
FOH! Cash app don't even allow that. Goof troop!
You not from LA either. You from the VALLEY ? ? ?
They all sound dumb af…acting like goons but on clubhouse acting tough for the net ?
Feds kno who big U and dirty is ?
I hope the 60s gave him the business this dude talk soooooo much and never checked for it
We’re df you get that picture from thoe
Both em like call him call them lol but talking directly to each other ?
Zzzzz. Hit me when you got something good to Post!!
Wack energy changed ? call big u call big u ? what happened to ill knock you tf out?
Mexicans rule L A. Nuff said.
Like Kevo Muney said “I come from a place where OGs can’t save ya” cuz they acting just as ignorant as the young ones
Just got off the horn with my boi AD and cuz don’t know Dirty from Oakland or NY or wherever that fool from
Wack look like a retired WWE wrestler ????Lls
Jim traded treyway for his VA case it’s not hard to see the two cases he wasn’t charged
This is just SAD!!!!
Wack a lame, he was trying so hard to convince the world meek was a rat with no paperwork but tryna convince the world 69 isn't, hypothetically if meek did snitch and cooperated with the feds then how is meek a rat and 69 not ?
Don’t wanna hear on the streets
All this shit weird cuz they talking on this internet shit too heavy
Wack 100 is 100% Busta ??no real gangstas online talking shit everyday he has nothing else to do to keep himself relevant so hes going out like a str8 Clown!
Those Crips are from Portland Oregon homie. Rollin 60's, Norfside Villa Crips and Eastside Kerby Crips from Portland in this picture homie ??? I see several of my homies from Villa Crips in this picture as well as some of my locs from Kerby Crips. Should do your homework before posting random pictures. Some of the homies in that picture no longer live homie?
I don’t understand why people keep taking the bait
Wack ? the government is listening