When nature calls, human falls. Plus jetkis, dirtbikes, scooters, really anything else with wheels, we’ve got people falling off them. Don’t get caught in the massive flood later on, but also avoid becoming a flyaway like that poor kite-surfer. This week’s fails are coming in cold, but only because we forgot to turn the oven on. Happy #FailFriday! #failarmy #funny
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I love how the girl who dropped cake has just accepted her fate and made the best of the situation ??? she’s totally given up on life ?
why text laughs
3:08 of all the places he could land! ?
1:54 Imagine how he feels after a 1 hr work out masked up…. try it for 8 hrs heavy lifting.. Mask Mandate needs to be adjusted by workplaces, You stand or sit around all day cool if you have a physical job different story, you walk 50k steps a day and carry 1000kg on your back doing it every 15-20 minutes come back tell me about how you feel i should work
Grandma got violated twice
Well at least humans are so dumb there is content for a weekly video for this channel
7:03 Campeão
How the hell did that idiot break the oven, too?
@2:50 ?????
Special mentions to Cake Lady and Alison.. you made my day just a little bit more bearable ;]
1:45 these Idiots get on my nerves!
Allison's mom must be named Karen. The Frisbee one is a clear win.
4:40 it's just bread with whipped cream on top. DOubt it was anygood to begin with , but you can just pick it up and eat it, it didnt do nothing to it.
0:39 shes soaked!! gets splashed with more water
top content am I not right?
4:23 Poor woman, somebody should have warned her that those cheap ass Dollar Tree cake carriers are worthless if you use the handle. NEVER USE THE HANDLE! Just pop it off and throw it away!
03:05 I think this is the green grass-concrete clip people in the comments keep tagging as 03:36
Michael! Grandma! She is soaked.
turns incognito mode
0:47 – that's gonna leave a mark
Luckily, Allison didn't drop her beer.
4:22 It's always the birthday cakes
1:11 You know he wanted to cry … from pain or embarrassment.
lmao that girl with the cake…. That is so disgusting, hilarious, sad, and too goddamn perfect all at once. ??
4:48 Just imagined that neighbors dog had peed or even pooped there a while ago. Extra spicy! o/
3:08 Boy, meet grate..Grate, meet boys face..ouch??
6:10 but, how?
4:00 you ain't driving a jeep friend. These are funny, but not a fan of people getting hurt.
i love they Joey girl with the cake. all im missing is her taking out a spoon out of thin air 😀
1:50 why is that a fail
1:48 I am the captain now! XD
Totally luved the girl falling off the horse hilarious
I liked it better when people got mad when something fell or got broken, etc.. This laughing and everything is fine facade is eating people alive inside. It may be that there are cameras everywhere and most people are aware of that, so they laugh and smile.. No, I prefer yelling, cursing and throwing things, it's better for the body and mind.
Very Nice!
2:05 After seeing SO many videos of people failing at this, why do these idiots think that they can do it??
1:24 These IDIOTS with their VR headsets. SMH.
7:04 With this jump, I get into a closed store GTA V.
so i have determined that this video wants named due to the results of the fails but rather the mental state of those involved
2:19 – I am repulsed every time I see champagne opened with a sabre. I was taught, "You release the cork from a champagne bottle the way you would release a black fart at a white tie dinner at the White House." The idea it to preserve as much of the effervescence as possible.
3:35 – Now this is an example of my kind of luck. Grass everywhere, but the guy face plants on an iron drain lid.
4:46 – How sympathetic I am! I nearly always come home with my hands so full of sh!t I can't carry it all. BUT, I think she failed with dignity.
That woman at 5:09 is my soulmate
Allision: ?
FFS stop with validating the wild animal interactions. You're just encouraging dumbasses to mess with wildlife in the hopes they get a four second clip on the internet.
3:18 damn boi that guy got yeeted
I like cake lady's style
Go to 3:10 and speed up the video all the way