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Charlie from Top 10s counts down the top 10 REAL GHOSTS CAUGHT ON TAPE! Here are the most scary and creepiest real videos of paranormal ghost sightings caught on camera! Are these videos by youtubers and found online real or fake? Either way they are very mysterious, unexplained and strange and are some of the scariest things in the world that will give you chills!
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Intro music: MRVLZ – Never https://youtu.be/MQ1gKOIASs8
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Stop talking the whole time and just show some videos!!! Blah blahh like and subscribe geez
hey yall at 3:27 mark u can see a very dark figure at the end of the shelves moves from left to rifgt and hides look real good and u can see it on the right of the man but at the end of the shelves on the right . let me no if yall see it
Thus is nice
Cant help it got to tell it. But for my own saftey with a clear mind. ..I saw three slave boys in a house in Newhamspshire A santa Claus throw its self across the room the 5 year old begain screaming ger me out of here I left amd looked back a A beast was pulling the shades aside
I saw a them trust me
I saw plenty they are actually real
That one in the woods is FAKE!! I can tell the colour is to bright all the other ones are dark
I know ghosts are real!! I've seen them!!
I like how the ghost was playing with tea bags in the uk?
3:27, before the tea drop there is a dark shadow on the upper right hand corner.
Hi did you know that in school I call a ghost a public ghost cuz. No one was in a room and then there were children in front of the room watching the.public .ghost as the window opened it self children called it white lady it's .a. dark room
We need a very strong protection if we often communicate with the unseen beings. Chant this mantra from Tibet 108 times to protect ourselves: OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. To learn more, go here: bit(dot)ly/DSretreat
1:24 relax guys it was just ant-man.
No worries.
less narration would be awesome
Woodland spirit
The ghost looks like a little girl
or a boy
In the tea video is it just me or did you see a face on the left behind the man
That woods video was a little girl in a dress and if you look at her movements she looks worried
Today I saw a small foot
This maybe wasn’t the best video to watch at 11:40
That is a bag
?. That i so creepy!
Ghost friend and graveyard girl are my favourite
That stone she walked behind might have been her own
You forgot to mention the door opens in the first one, i dont know why they need to use them anyway, their ghosts ???????
It wasn't scary enough.
If you look carefully you can sorta see something walk over too his feet.
It looks like a bright circle of light.
Ghosts ARE real! How else would I talk to one? (out of three haunting my house)
15:05 you could see something in the back its white.
I'm drinking tea while watching this
Lulz poor grandpa just picking up the tea
Ghost in the woods is fake!!!!!
When I woke up this morning I saw Pete and he said "Yah, it was me."
Hi ! Pls Replay Btw I LOVE ALL YOUR VIDS
We Need The ?Busters Now!!!
10 REAL GHOSTS CAUGHT ON TAPE = 8:42…. alien..? what?
I was Feeling Sick Until i found Top 10
Hey,why doesn't Charlie get many likes these days?He deserves so much more.<3
if ghost has white clothes black hair they fake
who else sees a black figure in the background at 3:27 ?
I think that Graveyard girl was the creepiest