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0:15 GARBAGE DAY!!! ?
The woman in her twenties who “literally” doesn’t know how to get dirt out of her hair should ask her mommy and daddy about something called “shampoo”.
1:18. What the heck language was that? Snow pirate?
These aren't fails. This is evolution in realtime.
7:26 That grandma knowledge!
3:34 Bless her heart ❤
Poor poor dog at 2:13… He was SO HAPPY for literally 1 second, then *CRASH*, then "oh no, that was me, wasn't it?" then "well, there's no fun in that ginormous bone anymore :'( ". Well, to comfort the dog, this typically happens to me too. Once I got a new guitar as a gift (I was 40), I spun around to show it to my family, and knocked over a table full with saucy snacks and wine all over our new $5000 treated white floor. I felt pretty much the same as that dog right there.
2:48 could've ended in a flagging success. Don't let that idiot near a range ever
That girl that they put on a tik tok ad has my testicles already swollen, I don't know her and I already got a lot of anger and disgust, I would say. there is no worse thing than an adult doing
Ronts????? aaaah kandor
Ronda konda
2:27 I like how he got himself turned around just in time.
2:11 never buy rawhide, it is a killer, do your resaearch into how bad it is and how it is made, especially the chemicals and bleach it contains.
Wow, the guy with the revolver has no muzzle discipline. He pointed it right at his buddy with the camera.
same shit repeated in every video
3:12 what kinda accent is that? I like it
Is it just me or did I just see a Team Edge vid at the end, since it had Bryan in it? I noticed it at 7:46. Either way the fails were funny.
What did she fall in
1:19 what accent was that
The white mouse secondly dress because protest philosophically last alongside a halting quart. defeated, roasted writer
3:45 Mom is an OG!???
I was already laughing before that fella went nuts first into the tap, you could see it coming ????