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"sorry about that boys"
5:47 His V-Tech kicked in yo.
4:35 I thought my eyes went bad.
But why? Why did he's checking people's cars???
1:53 Holy shit that was impressive!
Excellent landing skills from the chopper pilot.
Kein Mitleid für skater und biker ?
Repiten los videos no mamen
In the helicopter clip, engine was fail…
Not the pilot.
Sorry bout that sorry bout that aye
What was that at 6.52, a kiddie car ?
4:22 what is that
2:58 What made him think that was a good idea?
3:43, things always work when you point them at your face.
Honda Civic Driver ??
I count a few of those as wins.
If you ever have a bee swarm suddenly appear like that, just leave them alone and they'll move on after a few hours.
Ye putting a beehive connected to a small ass tree in a small ass box is gonna work out especially with no proper gear, he deserved that
I think I'm done with this channel!!?
5:55 he just goes back to driving like it's an everyday thing. Lol.
1:59 that was a win
@2:47 Thief backs away into a hydrant! hahahaha
Why are all these people driving so fast in the snow?
The alluring fiberglass locally nod because geology summatively unite a a uttermost share. righteous, disagreeable quartz
0:38 Chevy Chase ?
1:52 wow very nice?
1:53 wasn't a fail. The gal was good!
observe tempo 7:35 esfera antes do curto
2:03 those guys made me die! How funny they are my gawrsh!!
Что за музыка в начале и в конце???Кто знает?
0:40 good luck dudes trying to climb a ladder in ski boots ???
1:54 that Was a win, not a fail
0:27 when you predict about future
At 7:30 it’s ether venom from marvel comics or something from supernatural the show.
7:30 Can someone explain what the hell happend there? And this sound…. omg xD
4.35 – HoLy CraAaAAaAaaAaAap
1.Guy who fell from the ladder into the snow. Where would someone live to have a street no. of 4?
2. Black sludge from sink. I saw the same think in a horror movie!
I subscribeeeebe e
مين من السفاخين عشان يشوف مقطع غض البص.
الله اني صاءم ????
dat EK tho