Flop your way into the weekend with the week’s best fails! Irate drivers, pranking a pregnant woman, oblivious beach babes, no-nonsense babies and strange people sticking things in their noses. Happy #FailFriday to everyone at home and ready for a clumsy few days ahead. #fails #failarmy
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2:25 baby be like: "You believe that shit?" xD
Не понимаю мужскую эпиляцию ноздрей! Быстрей заболеть хочешь что ли???
That poor hammock
2:25 is it just me, but that reminds me of Putin, when he stares into a cam….
First video after intro… look at that lurch looking dude smoking a butt at the pump, completely unphased bye the pump that just got smashed next to him lol
The baby was like….really!!! Seriously!!!!
Are you doing this now!?! 2:23
That dude trying to cut off a tasty morsel of his napkin and his reaction after was priceless.
Tik Tok is cancer
2:20 ?
Faut pas lui faire peur comme ça !, c est pas bien elle est enceinte quand même.. ?
Y en a qui ne se voit pas comment ils sont !
This is gonna hurt!
3:27 censoring a bottle of beer ?♂️
Why is this train crash in there, it's not funny
Too many of the same clips as in other videos….and the train wreck ISN'T funny!!!!!
A few nasty videos that are not funny to watch. 3:10 is how Anton Yelchin died. Freaking out a heavily pregnant woman like that is unbelievably thoughtless. A burning train derailment.
0:19 The vehicle literally starts bleeding. They killed it. ?
What kind of narcissistic douche video tapes themselves working out ?
5:32 is he my face hurting with laughter
There should be specific warnings when one is about to watch someone have snot plugs pulled from his nose. Really? Snot plugs?
Lol I know the strawberry girl
Terrible joke for pregnant lady. Thanx God she didn't fall down
6:46 i was wondering where my bin went lmao