It’s not surprising to see a predator sneak up on its prey and attack it, but when two animals of the same species fight it out, one always wonders why. Have you ever seen two silverback gorillas fight? What about two giraffes? Of course, there are many possibilities for these scuffles,
so without further ado, let’s watch as we countdown 15 animal fights filmed mercilessly
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Watch our “15 Amazing Wild Animal Attacks Caught On Camera”
video here: https://youtu.be/57DuSi8l0Mw
Watch our “15 Wild Animal Confrontations”
video here: https://youtu.be/dnsbbn5gt_g
Watch our “15 Times Land Animals Messed With The Wrong Opponent #2”
video here: https://youtu.be/xjeWTwNXe-s
You would never expect two penguins to be involved in a fight to the death but watch these two go at it like it was the last fight of their life. Apparently, this scuffle is over a female. What else is new? Males are such idiots when it comes to women. In this fight, the husband got back home and found his wife cheating on him, so he confronted the other male and it turned into a bloodbath. The intruder tells the husband she doesn’t love him anymore and it’s time for the husband to pack his bags and leave, but the husband tells his wife he still loves her, and they walk back home. But the wife’s lover doesn’t take no for an answer and follows the couple to their house. Another vicious fight breaks out. I mean this looks like an MMA championship fight, there is so much blood on the combatants’ bodies. In this next video, these two penguins look like they’re singing the “Ave Maria”, but they’re actually challenging one another.
These penguins are always on the move and this penguin gets caught in the process by a sea lion. This wounded penguin, bloodied and injured, barely comes out of an encounter alive and retreats somewhere, probably to take its last breath. Another wild penguin fight takes place in Patagonia where these two penguins seem to be fighting over space. In this next clip, this inoffensive stray chick who seems to have lost its parents is being chased by some adult penguins and not because they want to try and help it find its parents. They are brutally aggressing the young penguin until they kill it. Finally, this penguin falls in love with a robot penguin and its jealous partner will have nothing of it and attacks the fake penguin
Do giraffes get into fights? Male giraffes will push and shove each other during the fighting. Their robust necks occasionally deliver devastating strikes because of this. The loser may be knocked unconscious or perhaps killed. The giraffes repeatedly slam their necks against one another in these battles, with the purpose of causing serious injury. You can see these two giraffes in our first clip going at it. This is heavy-duty stuff, and it must be quite painful, even for the giraffe doing the hitting.
I hope they have a few bottles of Tylenol after this fight, but I guess they won’t be needing any because one of the giraffes falls to the ground and it seems like it’s the end of the road for it. It’s incredible how close they get to one another before they begin striking their opponent. You can see it in this footage. Watch this other giraffe fall to the ground and never get back up. Giraffes learn this technique when they’re young, but at that time, it’s merely a friendly jousting competition until, when they get older, it becomes a serious fight to the death. Finally, after being caught fighting during a safari in South Africa’s Idube Game Reserve, these super heavyweights give new meaning to the term “headbanger.” The young males fought it out for dominance to secure mating rights in the region. Male giraffes can weigh up to 3000 pounds and stand up to 18 feet tall, and as mentioned before, battles between males oftentimes result in death.
SNAKES? more like SIMPS? HA
I never seen me a lot of things in the woods, but I ain't never seen no squirrel jump 80 feet in the air !!!
I completely hate your voice. Most annoying commentary ever. I wish I could delete all of your videos so they wouldn't populate when I do a search.
Tyson – Holyfield was a great fight. Even with the ear picnic during the battle lol
You guys have to start fact checking. A "sow" is a female. A female brown is called a sow. Just like a pig or boar. Females are called sow. Grizzly are brown bears both names are correct. Fighting for a female which makes little sense to you is a necessity. This ensures the strong pass on their seed. This way the animals are stronger and not likely to die off from disease and harsh conditions. So scientifically, it's more important for animals to fight for a female, not fight for food.
Those aren't copperheads.
Mm ‘
Did they fight mercilessly or you filmed mercilessly?
Bloods vs Crips
oh brother who is this narrator,, stop it, you are making up stories that you think MIGHT be happening, Mary had a little lamb and it got in a fight with another lamb for it's Momma's milk and sometimes can end up very badly for one of them, but it's just part of the EIEIO farm life of lambs
Is the cameraman in the penguin fight too?!
Can someone translate the title into English?
Ethiopia is a country with the largest cattle population in Africa and it has a rugged landscape. Guess what? Bullfight is very common and most of the time it gets dangerous due to the landscape. The fight may end up in the death of one of the bulls. They may end up falling from a big cliff that results in death or a broken horn or leg. Here, bulls travel kilometers just to fight with another bull. I remember once we had a bull named "Dubai" and it had a fight that lasted a whole day; it ended only with human interference. For a week, Dubai had a swollen forehead as a result of the fight.
You left out one of the most bad ass animals pound per pound. The Giant River Otter, although idk if they fight one on one or mostly as a pack/group/troupe??
Filmed mercillesly? You don`t show shit!
Rhinos and elephants have similar intelligence? On what planet?
So no one is gonna talk about the 4k edited thumbnail
You talk to much & the idea of a "squirrel fight filmed mercilessly"…. I'm turning this off. ?
Dam that Jaguar is a freakin beast for real!!!!!!
Brutal editing.
Mambo from happy feet caught his girl cheating
Giraffes seem so peaceful, but they're surprisingly brutal when they fight! Badass lol
I'm trying to figure out how one goes about filming "mercilessly". Do you not speak english well?
Young bull elephants kill rhinos because they have no older bulls to put them in their place. When young bulls get kicked out of the matriarchal herd they usually join up the an older bull and learn from him but poaching of the old bulls has left them without a mentor so they become aggressive and unruly. Can be a metaphor for why a father is needed in the home…..
NVR Heard of No Gorillas, d Silvrbks. Killg Each Othr. They mght hv sm Quickie Tusslg n they prt. But No Fight 2 d Death. They sense Who's Stronger, Subside, Accpt n Mv on. Wish Humans were lk dem. There'd b No War. Ok America, Russia n China senses Each Othr Pwr n Mv on. No Bullyg.
This video is a mess
Your vids are trash.
As a story teller it's YOUR job to tell us what happens at the end!
When it comes to the bears a male bear will kill a cub so the female wants to mate again
This commentator has no fucking clue how the world works. Fighting over females? Fighting over food? This is the real world of evolution.
Mercilessly are edited out completely here. Just a Click Bait adjective and second rate patched clips; much better out there folks.
'Males are idiots when it comes to females'? Yeah, there are those who like giving their own gender a bad name for a couple of brownie points. You proved your point.
The camera person is merciless.
Animals fight for two things: resources and mating rights.
If you don't want to hear cheesy commentary, turn off the volume and just watch.
since when are copperheads shy and tend to flee? They are one of the only snakes that bite unprovoked
Chimpanzees are notorious for killing monkeys