When we swim in the sea there’s always a sensation of the unknown, and as you get further out into deeper water you start to wonder – what is down there? In the depths, lurking below you, watching…then something brushes against you and you freak out for a moment before realising it’s just a piece of seaweed. But the sea is not our world, and there are many dangers in the water – some people have been taken by one of them and never seen again, but others have lived to tell the tale. From the scuba diver who survived a shark attack to the rubber dinghy savaged by an awesome predator, here’s the 15 most dangerous ultimate close calls in the sea.
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I'm a scuba diver so it's no secret that I love the ocean and her creatures. I've only seen one shark in my diving career and both of us were scared to death. I came around a big coral mount and the shark did the same and when we both saw each other we turned quickly around and went in opposite direction. WHEW!!! Fun fact about the sea "snake" It was actually a sea "crate". These creatures are identified by their flat tail. Their fangs are small and at the back of their mouth and they are very docile, being handled easily. OH yeah…the pic with the para-sailor is photoshopped!!
Para sailing is more like my dream when I am in shark mode
Hooray for the croc! Drones have no business disrupting nature.
Wholey tickle fish
Seriously shark attack gt ur shut straight if shark wants to attack a human for real humans would not have a chance at all wow smh
All sharks are opportunistic feeders it doesn't care if it's a sting ray or a surfer as long as it can hit it from behind to minimize it's risk of injury.
This would be ok if it weren’t for the computer generated voice over!!
That parasailing story is crazy.
Best you tuber eva
It’s Make-O not Mock-O
That particular image was made by myself years ago, when I originally posted it on Facebook it was just for a laugh and to see how many of my friends would fall for it, I never thought it would end up in so many videos literally all over social media. I made another of the iSS hanging on wires in front of a green screen inside a warehouse, that one made it into a few vids as well.
My apologies ??
#11 now stays funny. I would hate to see her face to face with a frog.
I absolutely love the ocean.
Up to about 4 feet-you can have the rest.
The voice over is annoying. Apparently speaking full sentences is hard for people.
I’m from and live in Australia
Half of them are fake…
Just make good content
Lol wtf
Even this comment is Fake News.
"What an adrenaline rush!" Is right up there with "Houston, we've had a problem!" ??
Thank you for not baiting click and switch. I wanted to see the story behind the lady hovering over a shark and you provided the story. Thank you again.
How high were you when you started this video it doesn't even keep the topic of the title.. 😀 LOL
Narrator is more than annoying
It’s not even launching as much as it actually can her legs like that ain’t going to be ok
where is the blood from shark attack on diver ?
Absolute rubbish
I have one rule
I live on land, I stay on land
I wouldn’t do anything like they did.
Don't understand the octopus that was attacking the diver clip doesn't every diver carry a bad ass diver knife why didn't the diver just take out his diver knife and start slicing the octopus arms off he could have even killed it and brought it up for dinner
Wow the Saltwater Crocodile is huge… Even from above! The boy was lucky!
please tell me I’m not the only one cringing harder than I ever have before
How are these ‘dangerous calls??’ One of them is with a fucking drone.
Stonefish, pound for pound the most deadliest fish in the world, touching it can kill you.
Diver, "Here let me get inches from almost touching it" ??♂️
The girl freaking out over the Manatee should not be swimming in anything but a pool!
it works better for me if i stay on the hard part of the land
A manatee attacked? I thought they were docile? Maybe it was injured or sick?