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GO CHECK OUT TODAY’S AWESOME RIDERS! They have alot more great vids on their channels. Links Below
0:00) Intro
0:10) Tattoo_Motorcycle_Freak – Near head on motorcycle accident – https://youtu.be/EvKUQj8bCUQ
0:30) Daygers Den – The Dreaded Harley Death Wobble – https://youtu.be/2yuWs3ce_d8
1:16) 555EJ25 – CBR954RR Close call with a Karen
– https://youtu.be/otsneochy3c
1:46) Enrique V – Motorcycle close call – https://youtu.be/bg1B7CqVzHQ
2:06) On The K*ntish Roads – this could have been a crash – https://youtu.be/RLlRLqfH5Ag
2:27) Stephen Bentley – Motorbike crash with taxi 2018. – https://youtu.be/cV1PuOcknKA
2:51) Kent Scanlan – Crashed my motorcycle – https://youtu.be/r9PH6xYhKpo
3;57) Seven Motovlog – Ocorrências diárias #4. – https://youtu.be/-ENsSQVRTKw
4:30) Chris Smith – Crashed my CB500X – https://youtu.be/Rp6q9fwlERQ
5:13) ns200ar – Close call – Guy overpassing – https://youtu.be/zWE7QP3pf8U
5:23) spikesmth – August Idiots in San Francisco – https://youtu.be/bYO3E4HO5u8
6:42) imanuel with an I – Skyteam Ace 125cc Close Call – https://youtu.be/uc39MhoEpgg
7:09) YoungL_rd – My first crash – https://youtu.be/1v_dBQQOV7Q
7:33) Zen Low 69 – Crashed on my first ride after 10 years – https://youtu.be/u7OCYq9Ab6k
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All clips and commentary in this video are intended for mature adult audiences only. All footage is for educational and journalistic purposes and also as learning tool for riders and viewers that watch this channel. Ride safe – KR
6:45 I though an asian was going to come.
2:28 What was the motorcylist looking at it? Because it sure AF wasn't road or what was in front of him. Lots of time to stop lol
100% of these are the riders fault. If they'd paid enough attention no of these would happen.
Kinda feel sorry for the guy @3:00 but honestly, too close and too fast to react to the unexpected… rider needs to learn to give himself space.
it was a crazy experience…thank god minor injuries.
Why is that second guy braking?there is nothing to worry haha … bikers are just stupid guys
it's the nut between the seat and handlebars 0:43
I think that last guy broke his hip when his knee smacked the tires! Looked like a straight ZAP to the hip
seriously , most of them are wrong.
Too close to the front car, try to pass by a red light + by the right + a truck view lack of view…, lack of riding skill and try to run overspeed .
Well sometimes is a bad luck
3:38 Karen: But he's only a child so I had to stop and give way to him on a highway.
Not at the expense of potentially causing an accident lady.
There are no signage there to alert drivers they MUST give way(by law) to cyclists or pedestrians. It's only safe to do so if there aren't other vehicles travelling close behind to you, that's common sense!
Awesome stuff, Kaos! Definitely got a new sub from us at Moto Photo Adventures. And thanks for featuring our clip. Here's the full episode if anyone is interested: https://youtu.be/K9RJfs19tHA
90% of motorcyclists are just…. awful people. Facts.
You can't blame Christianity for the actions of one person any more than you can blame the actions of the cowards on bikes slapping mirrors on the rest of us.
8:00 Zen Lo 69 Said he had nowhere to go but into his friends bike…Lmao its called target fixation. He road directly into the tires after his friend instead of just continuing with the turn, I believe he could’ve avoided that…Smh
Most of these riders are complete idiots
As the saying goes – The faster you go, the bigger the crash when you fall off. Happy Motoring…
4:09 NEVER EVER try to overtake a truck from the (edit) right side…
2:43 Bike made out of Lego blocks?
Hey kaos riders why haven't you put my video on this channel I submitted my video a few weeks ago
These are just so educational with ~80% of these vids telling me how not to ride!
0:30 clearly lacking experience: "light just turned yellow, you never know if cars will try to beat the light". Duh. Yes you know. At best assume they don't see you, at worse they do and want to kill you.
Never move a guy back/spine injury..you will make it worse
2:27 come on dude… saw that coming a mile away.
8:20 "I had no where to go but to run over his bike" hmmmm, looks like you had the whole track to turn right in and avoid him and the bike entirely since they slid in a straight line off the curve. You just target fixated and followed their straight line. Rolling the 360 view isn't going to hide that fact.
For the women that stop I think she is in right because obviously she did not wanted to hit a little kid on is bike. The biker should have anticipated this situation. I do it every days.