Here’s a video featuring botched SWAT raids and poorly trained officers deploying lethal force against people’s pooches. The Libertarian Republic has been tracking police abuses of authority, with a keen interest in the unjustified killing of pets, for whom many people see as an extension of their family.
The 2nd and 5th were justified imo. The 5th most definitely was, it charged right at them.
And they say they're helping by protecting and serving but they're just helping themselves
If this happened I will chop the cops head off rip his heart drop him off a tower and put him on fire
This thing with bringing in a SWAT team in the middle of the night was not something that happened in the 70s, 80s.. I think the trend really started in the mid 90's. Before, only if you were a murder suspect, something like that you may get the SWAT treatment. If it is just an arrest warrant for some minor crime, where you did not show up to court there is no need for a SWAT raid. You ring the doorbell? To dangerous? Get another job.
Hang all cops.
Anyone did this to my dog I would quite literally kill them, even if it took a lifetime to do.
Watching these types of videos make me so fucking pissed/sad because a dog is the most loyal pet to have in a famliy and then a cop kills it, Dogs are famliy and seeing the ones who gets killed is sad. I dont know i will do if my dog ever gets shot by a cop for playing or defending my family
What is his Name and Address??
How F*CKING DARE these people shoot dogs who are obviously either a) perfectly fine, or b), defending their owners??!!
They did the right thing! The dogs are obstacles & pests. Good job officers!
ugly dogs tbh no loss
A convenient chance ofr officers to use their gun they've been itching to use. Why not just taser the dog?
Hmm. Well, thats certainly less of those overrated fucking pitbulls in the world. Bravo to the police.
This video makes me so angry I can't even express it
American Tragedy – The Republic Is Lost –
"we have tazers. oh wait we are so fucking braindead that we cant use them"
Fuck u police
Omfg!! The lasy one seemed like a sweet and curious dig, why the fuck do these cops just bust into homes and sshoot dogs? Og course you bust into someones house and they have a dog, the dog will be startled, territorial or curious, I think its wrong they just shot all these dogs for nothing, Im thinking if the police ever break down my door, my dog is dead, because she is very friendly and loves yo approach people
I fucking hate cops
+Kizone Kaprow https://www.facebook.com/StopAnimalCrueltyWorldwide/posts/10202297445812017?stream_ref=1