Happy #FailFriday! It’s time for the Fails of the Week!I t’s time for the Fails of the Week! This week we have a wannabe bodybuilder making a big mistake, one a trash bin full of trash pandas, and more!
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Abigail! Did you eat his Jambalaya!!!?!
That pibble is a trained professional thief!
3:54 so this is what happens if you are stuck at home for a year
7:49 Delivered!
1:37 Tragedy, that poor coffee….
Too many "I stole this" blurry boxes ?
Sport couldn’t get past ads
That fire pit for the trashy living room shouldn’t have been included. There’s no rhyme or reason for the inclusion.
That lady’s laugh in the second video with the face plant girl sounds like something out of Looney Tunes
What's with the blur on the guy's shirt?
0:54 I don't want a brother/sister.
7:50 I hope that wasn't calibrated or anything…..
7:30 the moment you know you done f*cked up
I want to yell at those guys doing weight lifting "Never lift weights alone – always have someone spotting for you!"
This suks most of these are slap stick not fails. Who still cares about slapstick?
That wing on the car was a vegan organic wing…..also she ain’t the jambalaya
Shoutout to, Abigail ??
Why is the man from before falling from the snow
1:42 I love how the "Trump 2020" flag is blurred out. Does that work on his supporters too?
Abigail ate the jambalaya.
Just now getting crap notice from
5 months ago…may wanna talk with big tek…they are hurting this channel.
Whats with all the crappy blurred edges and little strip in the middle crap show a proper screen or don't bother its the 21st century for F€£%s sake the days of squinting at tiny pictures are long gone .
That was awful nice of that dog to check on the rabbit after it face planted. Lol
chrimas trees go splattttt
7:45 Guy on left: Well that was fucked.
His two friends: Perfect!
Sooo many morons
I don't know why ppl complain about those sound effects here and there. Makes some clips appear in a slapstick way and that's actually funny isn't it?
Aerodynamacy…… Yeah, not a word idiot.
@0:33 well, that's new! Never seen a rooster chase a cow before! ?
6:14 One constant in life: bitches always gotta start screaming.
Poor Abigail
I bet if you tried you could make the view window even smaller for these videos.
Release the hounds
Who shit in my shoes abagail?!